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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Cake Pelangi Kukus (Steamed Rainbow Cake)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 200 gr Terigu serba-guna, 1 st Garam, 270 gr Gula200 ml Minyak
  • ¾ st Baking powder, Pewarna: merah+orange+kuning+hijau+biru+ungu
  • 65 gr Mentega tawar, 150 gr Coklat putih, 100 gr Terigu pastry
  • 8 Telur75 ml Krim cair, 1½ st Esense jeruk, ¾ st Emulsifier
  • Keju parut-taburan & Buah/Coklat-hiasan (opsional)
Krim kocok:
  • 350 ml Krim kental, ¾ st Ekstrak lemon/sitrun, 30 gr Gula
Frosting Cream cheese:
  • 200 gr Cream cheese & 135 gr Mentega-suhu ruang, 1 st Vanili
  • 180 gr Gula bubuk, 1 st Kulit lemon parut

Cara membuat
  • Lelehkan coklat putih dng ditim, campur dng minyak & mentega yg sdh dicairkan, sisihkan. Campur semua tepung, garam & baking powder, sisihkan. Kocok telur, gula, emulsifier dng mixer sampai pucat & mengembang. Masukkan campuran terigu sedikit2 sambil diaduk melipat dng spatula. Tuang krim, essence jeruk & camp. coklat-minyak ke adonan sambil aduk dng gerakan melipat2 menggunakan spatula.
  • Bagi rata adonan di 6 wadah terpisah (@ ± 235 gr), masing2 adonan diberi pewarna yg berbeda. Aduk rata. Warna yg terbtk setlh pewarna diaduk adalah warna yg juga akan didpt setlh dikukus.
  • Siapkan 6 loyang blt uk. 18-20 cm, lapisi dng kertas roti, oles mentega. Tuang adonan ke loyang. (bila loyang kurang, dpt dibuat bbrp kali). Tutup kukusan dibungkus dng kain. Kukus adonan ± 10-15 mnt/loyang (sampai lidi yg ditusukkan, bersih saat diangkat keluar). Angkat loyang, klrkan kue dr loyang & dinginkan secara sempurna seblm dihias.
  • Krim kocok: Dinginkan krim di kulkas min. 1 jam. Kocok krim dng mixer sampai agak kaku. Mskkan ekstrak lemon & gula sedikit2 sambil terus dikocok hingga kaku.
  • Frosting cream cheese: Kocok cream cheese & mentega dng mixer kecepatan rendah sampai tak bergumpal & menyatu. Mskkan gula bbk, kocok hingga halus. Beri extrak vanilie & parutan kulit lemon, kocok sebentar saja.
  • Penyusunan: Ltkkan kue dng posisi terbalik (bagian bwh menghdp atas). Oles rata bagian atas dr kue ungu, biru, hijau, kuning, & orange dng whipped cream sampai ketepiannya dng spatula, taburi dng keju parut seckpnya. Alasi meja putar/piring saji dng kertas roti. Tumpuk rapi 5 kue tsb sesuai urutannya di piring. Tangkupkan kue merah dipaling atas, tekan sedikit dng merata utk memadatkan. Oleskan whipped cream tipis2 di bagian atas & sisi samping kue hingga tertutup semua. Mskkan kulkas ± ½ jam. Oles seluruh bagian luar kue dng cream cheese frosting sampai rapi. Hias bagian atas kue sesuai selera (misalnya dng buah2an, coklat, dll)

  • 200 gr all-purpose Flour, 270 gr Sugar, 1½ tsp Orange essence
  • 200 ml frying/vegetable Oil, 8 Eggs, ¾ tsp Emulsifier, 1 tsp Salt
  • 100 gr Pastry flour, 65 gr unsalted Butter, ¾ tsp Baking powder
  • 75 ml Cream, Food Coloring red+orange+yellow+green+blue+purple
  • 150 gr White chocolate, Grated Cheese-sprinkle (optional)
  • Fruits/shaved Chocolate-garnish (optional)
Whipped cream:
  • 350 ml Heavy cream, 30 gr Sugar, ¾ tsp Lemon extract
Cream cheese Frosting: room temperature
  • 180 gr powdered Sugar, 135 gr unsalted Butter
  • 1 tsp grated Lemon zest, 1 tsp Vanilla extract
  • 200 gr Cream cheese

  • Melt the chocolate over a hot-water bath; stir in melted butter & oil. Set it aside. Mix both flour, salt & bak. pwd; set it aside. Beat eggs, sugar & emulsifier with mixer until it becomes pale & thicken. Add in flour mixture, little by little, gently fold in using a spatula. Fold in the cream, orange essence & chocolate mixture using a spatula.
  • Divide the batter evenly between 6 bowls (~ 235 gr). Whisk in 6 different colours to each bowl, until incorporated. The shade you get after whisking, is also the shade you`ll get after steaming.
  • Line & grease 6 round 18-20 cm pan. Transfer each batter color to an individual pan. (if you don`t have enough pan, just repeat the procedure each time). Cover the steamers lid with clean cloth; then steam each batter for 10-15 minutes (a toothpick inserted into the center of each cake comes out clean). Remove the pan; remove cake from the pan & let it cool down completely.
  • Whipped cream: Chill the heavy cream in refrigerator for 1 hour; then beat it with mixer until soft peaks form. Beat in lemon extract & sugar, a little at a time until stiff peaks form.
  • Cream cheese Frosting: Beat cream cheese & butter on low speed until it blend well with no lumps. Add in powdered sugar & beat until smooth. Beat in vanilla extract & grated lemon zest.
  • To assemble the cake: Put each cake bottom side up; spread 1½ tbsp whipped cream over the surface of the purple, blue, green, yellow, & orange cake with a spatula so it extends just beyond edges; sprinkle with enough cheese. Line a serving plate/lazy Susan with parchment paper; place the cake according sequence on the plate. Place the red cake on top of the cake layers, bottom side up; press evenly a bit to compact. Thinly spread the whipped cream over the top of the red cake & sides of the whole cake layers (to cover all). Refrigerate the cake for 30 min. Cover the cake neatly with cream cheese frosting, using an offset spatula. Garnish the top & sides of cake as desired (such as with fruits, shaved chocolate, etc).

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