In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)
Bahan (utk 8 crepes)
- 450 ml Air soda, 100 ml Santan kental, ¾ st Kunyit bubuk
- 200 gr Tepung beras, 40 gr Maizena, 10 gr Terigu
- 3-4 Daun bawang-iris, ½ st Garam, ½ sm Gula, Minyak
Isian: Beberapa ide saja *
- 125 gr daging perut/bahu Babi atau Ayam, Lada bubuk
- 150 gr Udang-kupas & buang urat, 1 sm Air jeruk nipis
- 4 Tahu goreng-potong kecil, 1 st Jahe parut, Jamur-iris
- ¼-½ Bawang bombay-iris, Toge-seduh air panas, Minyak
- 1 Wortel-serut, 1 sm Bawang merah cincang, Garam, Air
Sajian: Beraneka herba & sayuran mentah
- Sawi hijau, Selada, daun Mint, daun Basil, daun ketumbar dll
- Ketimun-potong korek api, Kulit kertas beras-pembungkus, Air
Saus pencelup nipis kecap ikan:
- 3 sm Kecap ikan, 220 ml Air panas, 4 sm Gula, Cabai iris
- 30 ml Air jeruk nipis, 1½ Bawang putih-cincang
Saus pencelup bumbu kacang:
- 130 ml Air panas, 3 sm Selai kacang yang crunchy, Minyak
- 2 sm Air jeruk nipis, 2 Bawang putih-cincang, Cabai iris
- 3 sm saus Hoisin, 1 sm Sambal manis, Kacang cincang
- 1 st Saus soya, 1 sm Gula merah (untuk versi manisnya)
Cara membuat
- Remas udang dng air nipis di mangkuk & diamkan 2-3 mnt lalu cuci dng air mengalir. Bila menggunakan perut babi, masak dulu di air mendidih selama 4 mnt dng garam & cuka, bilas & keringkan lalu buang kulitnya. Iris babi/ayam tipis2. Bumbui kombinasi babi/ayam & udang atau kombinasi tahu & jamur, masing2 bahan dng ½ st jahe parut, ½ sm baw.merah cincang, garam & lada secukupnya. Aduk rata & diamkan ± 15 mnt.
- Membuat saus pencelup nipis kecap ikan: Campur gula, air, air nipis & kecap ikan, aduk sampai gula larut. Beri bawang pth & cabai, cicipi & koreksi rasa. Angkat, taruh di mangkuk & sisihkan.
- Membuat saus pencelup bumbu kacang: Tumis bawang pth & cabai. Beri bahan2 lain & aduk rata. Masak di api kecil hingga rasa menyatu. Jika menyukai sausnya lebih encer, tambah sedikit air. Angkat dari api, taruh di mangkuk & taburi kacang cincang. Sisihkan.
- Campur semua tepung, gula, ½ st garam & air soda di mangkuk. Aduk, pastikan semua bahan tercampur rata. Campur kunyit dng santan lalu mskkan ke campuran terigu, aduk rata. Diamkan adonan 30 menit. Aduk masuk irisan daun bawang.
- Panaskan pan anti lengket di api besar (Saya memakai pan uk.20 cm, dpt jg dng pan 22 cm). Setlh pan benar2 panas, ulasi dng sedikit minyak. Mskkan bbrp iris ayam/babi. Kecilkan api ke sedang-besar. Masak hingga warna daging berubah. Beri sedikit baw. bombay & masak hingga translusen. Mskkan bbrp iris jamur & tahu atau 2-3 udang, masak udang ½ matang saja. Tuangi 1 sdk sayur adonan, putar pan agar adonan menutupi dasar pan & sebagian sisi tepinya utk mendptkan tepi crepes yg renyah nantinya. Kecilkan api ke sedang-kecil & pasang tutup pan. Masak 3-4 menit, sampai tepian crepe bergelombang & sedikit cokelat. Tuangi sedikit minyak di tepiannya. Pasang tutupnya & masak ± 2 mnt, sampai tepian crepe menjauh dari pan & bagian tengahnya matang. Taburi wortel & toge di setengah sisi crepe lalu lipat 2. Masak 1 mnt. Angkat & taruh di piring. Lakukan hal yg sama utk sisa adonan, aduk dulu tiap kali seblm menuangkan krn terigu akan mengendap di bawah.
- Potong crepe jadi 2. Basahi kertas beras dng air, tunggu sampai lembut. Ltkkan dn selada/sawi, ketimun & herba di kertas beras lalu beri potongan crepe. Gulung kertas beras & tekan sedikit agar padat spt membungkus lumpia. Cocol gulungan di salah satu saus seblm dimakan.
- Bahan isian terserah anda, apa yg disuka tapi biasanya toge & baw. bombay itu dipakai. Sisa ayam/sapi/babi panggang atau sosis juga enak sbg isian (tdk hrs membuat baru).
Ingredients (for 8 crepes)
- 200 gr Rice flour, 40 gr Cornstarch, ½ tbsp Sugar
- 3-4 Spring onions-sliced, ½ tsp Salt, 10 gr Flour
- 450 ml Soda water, 100 ml thick Coconut milk
- ¾ tsp Turmeric powder, frying Oil
Topping: Just some idea *
- 125 gr Pork belly/shoulder or Chicken meat, Water
- 4 fried Tofu-small diced, Mushrooms-sliced, Salt
- 150 gr peeled & deveined Shrimps, ground Pepper
- 1 tbsp Lime juice, Bean sprout-blanch, frying Oil
- 1 tsp grated Ginger, 1 tbsp minced Shallots
- 1 Carrot-shredded, ¼-½ Onions-sliced
For serving: Bunch of herbs & raw vegetables
- Mustard greens, Lettuce, Mint leaves, Cilantro, Basil, etc
- Cucumber-julienne, Rice paper-as wrapper, Water
Lime fish dipping sauce:
- 30 ml Lime juice, 3 tbsp Fish sauce, 220 ml hot Water
- 1½ Garlic cloves-minced, 4 tbsp Sugar, sliced Chilies
Peanut dipping sauce:
- 1 tbsp sweet Chili paste, crushed Peanuts, Frying oil
- 3 tbsp Hoisin sauce, 130 ml hot Water, sliced Chilies
- 3 tbsp crunchy Peanut butter, 2 cloves Garlic-minced
- 2 tbsp Lime juice, 1 tsp Soy sauce
- 1 tbsp Brown sugar (for a sweeter version)
- In a bowl, squeeze the shrimp with lime juice; let it sit for 2-3 minutes & then wash them under running water. If you’re using pork belly, parboil it first for 4 min with salt & vinegar; rinse, drain it & discard the skin. Slice pork/chicken thinly. Season the pork/chicken & shrimps combination or tofu & mushrooms combination, each ingredients with ½ tsp of grated ginger, ½ tbsp of minced shallots, enough salt & pepper. Mix it well & let it rest for ~ 15 min.
- Making lime fish sauce: Combine the sugar, water, lime juice & fish sauce; stir to dissolve the sugar. Add in garlic & chilies. Taste & adjust the ingredients. Put in a bowl & set it aside
- Making peanut dipping sauce: Sauté minced garlic & sliced chilies. Add in other ingredients & stir to combine it well. Cook under low heat until the flavour blended. If you like a thinner sauce, add more water. Remove from the heat & put it in a bowl; top with crushed peanuts. Set it aside.
- Put all flours & starch, sugar, ½ tsp of salt & soda water in a bowl. Stir to combine, make sure all of the dry ingredients are in. Mix the turmeric with coconut milk & then pour it into the flour mixture; stir to combine. Let the batter rest for ~ 30 minutes. Stir in sliced spring onion.
- Preheat a non-stick pan to a high heat (I’m using a 20 cm pan, you can also use a 22 cm pan). After the pan really hot, brush it with a little oil, then put in some pork/chicken slices. Turn down the heat to medium-high. Cook it until the meat colour changed. Add in some onion & cook until translucent. Put in some mushroom & tofu slices or 2-3 shrimps; cook the shrimps only halfway. Pour a ladle of batter in; swirl it around to distribute the batter so it will covers the pan bottom & parts of the pan sides thinly to get a crispy edge. Turn down the heat to medium-low & put the lid on. Cook for 3-4 minutes, until the crepe edge curl & brown lightly. Drizzle a little oil all around the rim. Put on the lid & cook for ~ 2 min, until the crepe edge starts to pull out from the pan & the centre are set. Scatter the carrot & bean sprouts on one half of the crepe. Fold the crepe in half & continue cooking it for ~ 1 minutes. Remove it from the pan & place it on a plate. Do the same procedure with the rest of the batter. Stir the batter each time before pouring into the skillet as the mixture settles.
- Cut the crepes in half before wrapping it. Wet the rice paper with some water & wait for awhile until it gets soften. Put the lettuce/green mustard, cucumber & herbs on the rice paper, top with half of the crepe. Roll the rice paper & press it a bit to compact it, like when you’re wrapping a spring roll. Dip the roll either in the peanut dipping sauce or lime fish sauce before you eat.
- The topping is up to you, put whatever you like, but bean sprout & onion usually will be include as topping. Leftover bbq chicken/beef/pork or sausage will also good (don’t have to make it new)