

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Kering Kentang (Sweet & Spicy Fried Potato Chips/Sticks)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 6 Kentang sedang-iris korek api/tipis, 3 sm Santan, 2 Daun salam
  • 125 gr Kacang tanah tanpa kulit, 35 gr Gula jawa, 2 st Garam
  • 3 Bawang putih-haluskan, 1 st Air nipis, ½ st Ketumbar bubuk
  • Minyak goreng secukupnya
  • 2 Cabai merah, 1 Cabai keriting, 1 cm Lengkus-parut
  • 2 Bawang putih, 1 Bawang merah, 1 st Ketumbar

Cara membuat
  • Campur kentang dengan ½ bagian bawang putih, ketumbar bubuk & ½ st garam. Diamkan 15 menit lalu goreng. Rendam kacang di air secukupnya untuk merendam kacang dengan sisa bawang putih & ½ st garam selama 15 menit, goreng. Sisihkan semua hingga mencapai suhu ruang.
  • Tumis bumbu halus hingga harum. Beri santan & bahan lain. Masak di api kecil sambil diaduk2 sampai mengental. Angkat dari api & biarkan hingga mencapai suhu ruang.
  • Campurkan saus bumbu tersebut di kentang & kacang, sesendok2, sambil diaduk rata.

  • 6 medium size Potatoes-thinly sliced/matchstick strips, 2 tsp Salt
  • 125 gr skinless Peanuts, 35 gr Coconut Sugar, 1 tsp Lime juice
  • 3 Garlic cloves-grind, 2 Bay leaves, ½ tsp ground Coriander
  • 3 tbsp Coconut milk, enough frying Oil
Grind into paste:
  • 1 Shallot, 2 Red chilies, 1 Cayenne pepper, 1 tsp Coriander
  • 2 Garlic cloves, 1 cm Galangal-grated

  • Mix potatoes with half portion of ground garlic, coriander & ½ tsp salt. Let it stand for 15 minutes; drain & then deep fry potatoes. Combine enough water to cover the peanuts with remaining ground garlic & ½ tsp salt. Soak peanuts in the mixture for 15 minutes; drain & then deep fry peanuts. Set all aside until it reach room temperature.
  • Sauté spices paste until it fragrant. Add in coconut milk & other ingredients. Cook over low heat, stir constantly until the sauce thickens. Remove from the heat & let it cool down to reach room temperature.
  • Mix the spices sauce with fried peanuts & potatoes, one table spoon at a time; stir to coat them evenly.

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