

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Molten Lava Cake

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 56 gr Coklat masak semi manis & 140 gr Mentega-iris2
  • 62 gr Terigu serba-guna, 3 Telur besar, 3 Kuning Telur
  • 1 st Vanili (¼ st ekstrak Almond)180 gr Gula bubuk
  • 1 st Almond cincang & 2 sm Baileys/Liquor orange (opsional)
Penyajian: (opsional)
  • Gula bubuk-taburan, Ice cream, Cherry, Saus vla

Cara membuat
  • Panaskan oven 200°C. Letakkan nampan di bagian rak tengah oven. Lelehkan mentega & coklat dng microwave atau di panci tim/double boiler. Biarkan sampai dingin lalu beri terigu & gula. Aduk bersama telur & kuning telur sampai halus. Beri vanili atau ekstrak almond, Baileys/Liquor orange & almond cincang. Aduk rata.
  • Minyaki 6 cetakan muffin bsr/cup tahan panas. Letakkan di atas nampan bakar. Tuang adonan kedalam cetakan sampai ¾ tingginya saja. Panggang selama 14 menit atau sampai bagian tepi kue terbentuk/mengembang baik tetapi di bagian tengahnya masih sedikit basah.
  • Keluarkan dari oven, biarkan 1-2 menit. Tusukkan pisau tajam melingkar di bagian tepi kue dlm cetakan agak kue terlepas, tengkurapkan di piring saji & angkat cetakannya. Taburi gula bubuk. Hidangkan hangat dng ice cream & buah Cherry atau dengan Vla.

  • 56 gr Semi-sweet Chocolate & 140 gr Butter-sliced
  • 62 gr all-purpose Flour, 3 large Eggs, 3 Egg Yolks
  • 1 tsp chopped Almond (optional)180 gr Icing sugar
  • 2 tbsp Baileys/Orange liquor (optional)
  • 1 tsp Vanilla/¼ tsp Almond extract
For serving: (optional)
  • Icing sugar-for dusting, Ice cream, Cherries
  • Custard sauce

  • Preheat oven to 200°C. Place rack in the centre of oven. Melt butter & chocolate in the microwave or in a double boiler pan. Let it cool down & then add in flour & sugar. Stir in the eggs & egg yolks until smooth. Add in vanilla/almond extract, Baileys/Orange liquor & chopped almond. Mix it well.
  • Grease 6 jumbo muffin moulds/ramekins. Place them on a baking sheet. Pour chocolate batter into the moulds/ramekins until ¾ the height of the moulds. Bake for 14 minutes or until the cake edges firm but the center parts still a little wet.
  • Remove from the oven & let them rest for 1-2 minutes. Run a sharp knife around the edge of each cake to loosen, invert onto the center of each serving plate. Carefully remove the moulds/ramekins. Sprinkle the top of each cake with Icing sugar. Serve it warm with ice cream & cherries or with custard sauce.

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