

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Chocolate Roll Cake with Raspberry Cream

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 6 Telur-pisah, 1 st Vanili, ¾ st Garam, 80 gr Gula
  • 2 sm Coklat bubuk, 120 gr Coklat semisweet-cacah
  • 125 gr buah Raspberry, 1 st Kopi instan bubuk
  • 3-4 sm Coklat serut, 2 sm Gula bubuk-untuk di lap
  • Mentega-untuk mengoles loyang
Krim Raspberry:
  • 350 gr Heavy cream dingin, 20 gr Gula
  • 1 st Vanili, 100 ml Selai raspberry

Cara membuat
  • Sponge Cake: Pnskan oven 180° C, ltkkan rak ditengah. Olesi loyang 40X30 cm dng mentega, alasi kertas perkamen, olesi kertas dng mentega & taburi sedikit terigu. Ltkkan coklat cincang & kopi dlm mangkuk thn pns yg ditumpangkan diatas panci berisi air mendidih, aduk hingga leleh, angkat, diamkan sampai mencapai suhu ruang. Kocok kng tlr & 50 gr gula dng mixer kecepatan tinggi sampai kental & mengembang. Mskkan vanillie & coklat leleh, aduk rata. Kocok pth telur diwadah lain sampai berbusa. Beri garam, kocok dng kecepatan sedang sampai ½ kaku. Beri sisa gula, aduk hingga adonan kaku. Campur adonan pth telur sedikit2 ke adonan coklat sambil diaduk dng spatula dng gerakan melipat2 hanya sampai menyatu (jangan terlalu lama). Tuang adonan ke loyang, ratakan. Panggang ± 15 mnt (sampai cake memantul bila sedikit ditekan). Keluarkan dari oven, balikkan cake di atas serbet bersih yg sdh ditaburi dng 1 sm gula bubuk. Kupas kertas perkamen hati2. Jika kertas melekat erat di cake, ulasi bagian belakang kertas dng sedikit air hangat, diamkan bbrp saat lalu kupas kertas. Taburi permukaan cake yg sdh dikupas dng sisa gula bubuk, gulung cake, dng serbetnya selagi masih hangat & gampang dibentuk. Diamkan sampai cake mendingin.
  • Krim Raspberry: Kocok heavy cream bersama vanillie & gula dng mixer kec. sedang sampai ½ kaku. Beri selai raspberry & kocok hingga naik.
  • Penyelesaian: Buka gulungan cake. Ayak coklat bubuk di atas permukaan cake kmd ulas rata dng 2/3 bag. krim. Susun potongan raspberry di selai (sisakan bbrp ptg utk hiasan). Gulung lagi cake secara hati2. Ltkkan cake dng posisi dibalik di piring saji. Ulas bagian luar dng krim. Ltkkan raspberry di tengah atas, hias dng coklat serut. Cake dpt disimpan tertutup di kulkas sampai 5 hr.
  • * Bila tdk ada heavy cream, gunakan keju mascarpone atau 350 ml krim 31% lemak+1 bks 0.35 oz bubuk stabilisator utk krim.

  • 6 Eggs-separated1 tsp Vanilla extract, ¾ tsp Salt
  • 125 gr Fresh Raspberry, 3-4 tbsp shaved Chocolate
  • 2 tbsp Cocoa powder, 1 tsp instant Coffee powder
  • 120 gr semisweet Chocolate-chopped80 gr Sugar
  • 2 tbsp Powdered sugar-for the towel
  • Butter-for greasing the pan
Raspberry cream:
  • 350 ml cold Heavy cream*, 1 tsp Vanilla extract
  • 100 ml Raspberry preserves/jam, 20 gr Sugar

  • Sponge Cake: Preheat oven to 180° C, place oven rack in the center. Butter a 40X30 cm sheet pan, line with parchment paper; butter & flour the paper. Put chocolate & coffee in a heatproof bowl placed over a saucepan of simmering water; stir until they melted. Set it aside & let cool to room temp. Beat egg yolks & 50 gr sugar with an electric/hand mixer on high speed until the mixture is thick & fluffy. Beat in vanilla & melted chocolate; beat only to combine; set aside. In another bowl, beat egg whites until foamy. Add in salt & beat at medium-high speed until soft peaks form. Beat in remaining sugar until stiff peaks form. With a spatula, fold a small amount of egg white mixture at a time into the egg yolk mixture just until incorporated (don`t over mix). Evenly pour the batter into the pan, smoothing the top. Bake for ~ 15 minutes (until the cake springs back when gently pressed). Remove from the oven; invert the cake onto a dish towel sprinkled with 1 tbsp of powdered sugar. Carefully remove the parchment paper. If the parchment paper sticks to the cake, lightly brush the back of the paper with a little warm water, allow to stand for a few moments, then peel the paper. Sprinkle the cake lightly with the rest of powdered sugar & then roll up the cake, with the towel while it`s still hot & pliable. Let the cake cool down.
  • Raspberry Cream: Beat heavy cream, vanilla extract & sugar until soft peaks form using an electric mixer on medium speed. Add in the raspberry jam & beat until stiff peaks form.
  • To assemble the cake: Unroll the cake. Sift cocoa powder over the cake surface & then spread 2/3 part of the cream evenly over it. Place fresh raspberries over the cream (save some for garnishing). Gently roll up the cake again. Place the cake on a serving platter, seam side down. Spread the outer part of cake with the rest of cream. Place raspberries on the top & garnish with shaved chocolate. The cake can be covered & stored in the refrigerator for up to five days.
  • * If there is no heavy cream, you could also use Mascarpone or 350 ml of cream 31% fat+ 1-0.35 oz packs of whipped cream stabiliser.

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