

Monday, May 14, 2012

Mandarin Orange Cheesecake

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

Dasar Cake:
  • 40 gr Mentega, 25 gr Terigu, 1 Kuning telur¼ st Garam
  • 1 gr Baking powder, 55 gr Almond cincang halus37 gr Gula
  • 1 st Mentega, 4 st Gula1 st Jelly, 30 ml Air Lemon
  • ½ st Kulit lemon parut, 90 ml Air
  • 600 gr Cream cheese-suhu ruang, 1½ st Vanili, 170 gr Gula
  • ¼ st Garam, 110 ml Krim kental, 110 gr Krim asam
  • 3 Telur
Icing krim asam:
  • 160 gr Krim asam, 20 gr Gula halus1 st Kulit lemon parut
  • ½ st Vanili
  • Jeruk mandarin

Cara membuat
  • Dasar Kue: Panaskan oven 175°C. Diperlukan loyang bongkar pasang uk. 17 cm, tinggi 7 cm utk membuat cake. Campur bahan kering. Sisihkan. Kocok mentega & gula sampai mengembang. Beri kng telur, kocok sampai lembut. Mskkan bhn kering ke adonan & aduk dng spatula sampai berbutir. Minyaki dasar & sisi samping bawah loyang. Tekan2 adonan di dsr loyang & sedikit naik di tepinya hingga tertutup rata. Panggang samp kekuningan (± 15 mnt). Keluarkan dari oven & biarkan dingin.
  • Isi: Potong2 cream cheese, mixer dng kec. sedang sampai lembut. Beri gula, garam & vanillie, kocok 2 mnt. Mskkan telur satu2, aduk rata dng spatula setlh tiap 1 tambahan telur. Mskkan krim asam & krim kental, mixer setlh tiap tahapan ± 1 mnt hingga menyatu.
  • Minyaki sisi tepi loyang & tuang adonan isi kedlmnya (diatas adonan dasar). Ketuk2 loyang perlahan bbrp kali ke meja agar udara yg terperangkap di dlm adonan dpt keluar. Goyang2kan loyang agar permukaannya rata. Ltkkan loyang pada rak panggang berkaki yg ditaruh di atas sebuah tatakan utk memanggang yg agak tinggi/dalam. Tuang air di tatakan panggang setinggi ± 2-3 cm. Mskkan loyang+rak+tatakan di oven. Panggang 50-60 mnt. Matikan oven, buka pintunya selbr ± 2½ cm & biarkan cake mendingin sampai mencapai temp. ruang didlmnya (agar kue tdk terbelah). Setlh dingin, tutup loyang dng aluminium foil & mskkan kulkas min. 4 jam-semalam.
  • Icing krim asam: Kocok krim asam, gula, kulit lemon & vanillie hingga lembut. Dinginkan sampai cake siap dihidangkan.
  • Glazur: Aduk jelly dng 3 st air dingin. Sisihkan. Didihkan gula dlm air panas 5 mnt. Beri mentega, kulit & air lemon. Aduk hingga cair. Tuangi lrtan jelly, aduk hingga mengental.
  • Penyelesaian: Jelujuri melingkar dng bagian pisau yg tumpul pada bagian tepi cake dlm cetakan agar terlepas dari perlekatannya. Buka kunci & angkat sisi tepi loyang keluar.Tempatkan cake di pising saji. Semir bagian atas & tepi cake dng icing, ratakan dng spatula. Hias bagian atas cake dng jeruk mandarin & tuangi glazur. Dinginkan cake & biarkan glasur mengeras. Hidangkan cake.

  • 40 gr Butter-melted, 1 Egg yolk, 37 gr Sugar, 25 gr Flour
  • 1 gr Baking powder, ¼ tsp Salt, 55 gr finely chopped Almonds
  • 1 tsp Butter, 30 ml Lemon juice, 90 ml Water, 4 st Sugar
  • 1 tsp Gelatin½ tsp Lemon zest
  • 600 gr Cream cheese-room temperature, 3 Eggs, ¼ tsp Salt
  • 110 gr Sour cream, 110 ml Heavy Whipping cream
  • 1½ tsp Vanilla, 170 gr Sugar
Sour Cream Icing:
  • 160 gr Sour cream, 1 tsp grated Lemon zest, 20 gr Sugar
  • ½ tsp Vanilla
  • Mandarin Oranges

  • Crust: Preheat oven to 175°C. You need 17 cm, 7 cm high spring-form pan to make the cake. Combine the dry ingredients. Set aside. Cream together the butter & sugar until fluffy. Beat in the egg yolk until smooth. Put dry ingredients into the butter & mix with a spatula until crumbly. Grease the bottom & lower sides of pan. Press the batter down evenly & firmly to cover the pan bottom, with just a slight rise along the inside edges of the pan. Bake until the dough is golden (~ 15 minutes). Remove from the oven, let cool.
  • Filling: Cut the cream cheese into chunks. Mix with electric mixer on medium speed until smooth. Add the sugar, salt & vanilla, beat for 2 minutes. Add the eggs, one at a time; stir with spatula after each addition. Put in sour & heavy cream, beating for 1 min after each addition until incorporated.
  • Greased the pan. Pour the filling into the pan, over the bottom layer. Tap the pan gently on the table a few times to bring up air bubbles. Shakes the pan to smooth the top. Place the pan on a stand rack over a high edge roasting tin/baking dish (place the baking dish under the rack). Pour some water into the roasting tin (2-3 cm high). Place all of them in the oven. Bake for 50-60 minutes. Turn off the oven, open the oven door ~ 2½ cm & let the cake cool in there until room temperature (prevent the cake from cracking). Cover the top of the pan with foil. Chill in the refrigerator for min 4 hours-overnight.
  • Sour cream icing: Mix the sour cream, sugar, lemon zest & vanilla in a bowl, stir until smooth. Chill until you are ready to serve the cake.
  • Glaze: Stir the jelly in 3 tsp cold water; set aside. Boil sugar in hot water for 5 mins. Add in butter, lemon juice & grated rind; stir until the butter melts. Pour in gelatine mixture, cook until the sauce becomes rather thick.
  • To assemble the cake: Run a blunt side of a knife between the edge of the cake & the pan. Open the spring-form latch, gently open the pan & lift up the sides. Place the cake on serving dish. Spread the icing over the cake top & sides (to cover all). Decorate with Mandarin oranges & pour glaze over the mandarin orange; chill thoroughly. Serve the cake.

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