

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Telur & Tomat Isi (Stuffed Eggs & Tomatoes)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian

  • 2 Tomat, 60 gr Cream cheese-lembutkan
  • 2 sm Saus Thousand island, 3 Telur-rebus
  • ¼ st Lada, 1 st Gula, 2 st Peterseli cincang
  • 2 buah Olive-cincang, 1½ st Daun dill cincang
  • 1 sm Bawang bombay cincang, ½ st Garam
  • 1 sm Krim asam, 1 sm Wortel muda cincang
  • ½ Cabai merah-buang biji lalu cincang
  • 1 sm Ketimun tanpa biji cincang

Cara membuat
  • Iris sedikit bagian bawah tomat agar bisa diberdirikan. Potong bagian atas tomat & ptg bagian dlmnya utk memisahkan daging dng kulit. Keluarkan isinya dng sendok kcl. Bentuk jadi mangkuk dng ketebalan ½ cm. Balikkan tomat di atas kertas penyerap minyak utk benar2 mengeringkan air tomat yg mungkin tersisa di dlm. Sisihkan.
  • Belah telur jadi 2 bagian dari sisi panjangnya dng pisau. Keluarkan kuning telurnya, ltkkan di mangkuk. Sisihkan putihnya.
  • Aduk rata cream cheese, kuning telur, krim asam & thousand island. Mskkan ketimun, wortel, bombay, olive, cabai, peterseli, dill. Bumbui dng garam, lada & gula, aduk rata.
  • Isi tomat & putih telur dng adonan isi. Ltkkan di piring saji, tutup dng plastik & dinginkan min 2 jam seblm disajikan.

  • 2 Tomatoes, 60 gr Cream cheese-softened
  • 2 tbsp Thousand island, 1 tbsp Sour cream
  • 1½ tsp chopped Dill, 2 tsp chopped Parsley
  • 3 Eggs-boiled, 1 tbsp chopped young Carrot
  • 2 Olive-chopped, 1 tbsp chopped Onion
  • ¼ tsp Pepper, 1 tsp Sugar, ½ tsp Salt
  • ½ Red chili-seeded & finely chopped
  • 1 tbsp chopped seeded Cucumber

  • Cut a thin slice off the bottom of each tomato. Cut the tops off of the tomatoes & cut around the inside, separating the flesh from skin. Use a small spoon to carefully hollow out each tomato, starting at stem end, leaving ½ cm shell. Invert tomato shell onto paper towels to drain. Set aside.
  • Slice the eggs in half lengthwise with a knife. Pop out the egg yolks into a bowl & put whites aside.
  • Combine cream cheese, egg yolks, sour cream & thousand island well. Stir in cucumber, carrot, onion, olive, chili, parsley & dill. Season with salt, pepper, sugar; mix well.
  • Fill the tomato & egg white shells with cream cheese mixture. Place on serving plate; cover loosely & then refrigerate 2 hours before serving.

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