

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Chicken Cordon Bleu

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 2 Fillet dada ayam-belah 2, 75 gr Terigu, ½ st Oregano
  • 4 lbr Daging asap/Ham, 75 gr Panir, 1 st Paprika bubuk
  • 1 st Bawang putih bubuk, 2 sm Mentega, Minyak Sayur
  • 2 sm Keju Parmesan parut, 4 iris Keju Swiss, 2 Telur
  • 2 sm Susu, 4 batang Thyme segar-petik daun
  • Garam & Lada hitam bubuk

Saus Jamur:
  • 3 sm Mentega, 30 gr Jamur-iris2, ½ st Lada bubuk
  • ½ Bawang bombay-iris, 2 sm Terigu, 2 sm Olive oil
  • 1 Bawang putih-cincang, Garam125 ml Susu panas
  • 125 ml Kaldu ayam, ¼ st Pala

Cara membuat
  • Lapisi bagian bawah & atas ayam dng plastik lembaran. Pukul2 ayam perlahan dng palu daging hingga setebal ± ½ cm. Campur garam, lada htm, baw.pth bbk & oregano. Lumuri ayam dng campuran ini. Taruh septg keju di bagian tengah salah satu sisi ayam, ltkkan 1 daging asap di atas keju. Lipat salah satu ujung ayam hingga menutupi keju & daging asap. Gulung ayam dimulai dari sisi yg panjang. Semat dng tusuk gigi.
  • Aduk terigu & paprika, sisihkan. Campur panir, thyme, parmesan, garam & lada, sisihkan. Kocok telur & susu
  • Lumuri ayam dng terigu, celupkan di telur kmd lapisi dng campuran panir hingga tertutup semua.
  • Pnskan minyak syr sedlm 1½ cm & mentega dng api sedang. Goreng ayam selama ± 20 mnt (sampai kuning kecoklatan). Balik2 beberapa kali. Angkat & tiriskan.
  • Saus Jamur: Tumis bawang pth, bombay & jamur dng olive oil sampai kecoklatan. Sisihkan. Pnskan mentega di pan dng api sedang. Mskkan terigu, aduk rata. Tuangi susu pns & kaldu. Aduk hingga saus mulai mendidih & mengental. Kclkan api, mskkan jamur-bombay masak 5 mnt, aduk sesekali. Bumbui dng pala, garam & lada.
  • Hidangkan dng kentang puree, goreng atau panggang & saus jamur.

  • 2 Chicken breast halves-halved, 500 gr Flour, 2 Eggs
  • 4 slices Smoked beef/Ham, Leaves of 4 sprigs Thyme
  • 2 tbsp grated Parmesan, 1 tsp Paprika powder, Salt
  • 1 tsp Garlic powder200 ml Milkground Black pepper
  • 2 tbsp Butter½ tsp dried Oregano, Vegetable oil
  • 100 gr Breadcrumbs4 slices Swiss cheese

Mushrooms Sauce:
  • 120 ml hot Milk, 1 Onion-sliced, ground PepperSalt
  • 3 tbsp Butter, 30 gr Mushrooms-sliced, 2 tbsp Flour
  • 120 ml Chicken broth, 1 Garlic clove-minced
  • 2 tbsp Olive oil

  • Put plastic sheet under & above the breast. Pound the breast gently into ~ ½ cm thick with a mallet. Mix salt, black pepper, garlic pwd & oregano. Rub both sides of the breast with this mixture. Place a slice of cheese in the center of each breast. Lay 1 slice of smoked beef over the cheese. Fold ends over the ham & cheese; roll up, beginning with long side. Secure rolls with toothpicks.
  • Mix the flour & paprika; set aside. Mix the bread crumbs, thyme, parmesan, salt & black pepper; set aside. Beat the eggs together with milk.
  • Dust chicken with flour; dip in the egg & then coat them with the breadcrumbs to cover all.
  • Heat 1½ cm depth of the vegetable oil & butter in a skillet over medium heat. Fry the rolls for ~ 20 min (until golden brown); turning frequently. Remove from the heat & drain.
  • Mushroom Sauce: Sauté garlic, onion & mushrooms with olive oil until brown. Melt butter in a saucepan over medium heat; add in the flour & stir until the mixture is well blended. Gradually stir in hot milk & chicken broth. Stirring constantly until the sauce begins to boil & thickens. Reduce the heat to low; stir in mushrooms-onion; cook for 5 min. Season with salt & pepper to taste.
  • Serve with baked/fried/mashed potatoes & the mushrooms sauce.

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