

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Pelecing Kangkung (Spicy Vegetable Salad)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • ½ st Air jeruk limau, 2 Daun jeruk, 2 sm Kelapa parut
  • 50 gr Kacang panjang, 250 gr Kangkung, 50 gr Toge
  • 3 sm Kacang tanah goreng, 1 st Minyak goreng
Bumbu halus-untuk kelapa bumbu:
  • 1 Cabai merah, 1 Bawang putih, 1 cm Kencur, Gula
  • 1 Rawit, Garam
Bumbu halus-utk sambal:
  • 10 Rawit merah, 3 Cabai merah, 5 Bawang merah
  • 1 st Terasi, 3 Kemiri, 1 st Garam, 1 Tomat

Cara membuat
  • Potong2 lalu rebus kangkung & kacang panjang. Seduh toge dengan air panas. Tiriskan. 
  • Sambal: Campur bumbu halus untuk sambal dengan minyak & air limau.
  • Kelapa bumbu: Campur kelapa dengan bumbu halusnya & daun jeruk lalu sangrai.
  • Atur sayuran & kacang di piring. Beri sambal & kelapa bumbu, aduk rata.
  • Pelecing kangkung ini dapat dihidangkan sebagai pelengkap makanan seperti Manuk Ragi Rajang Khas LombokPelalah Manuk/Ayam Khas Lombok & Ayam Bakar Taliwang

  • 250 gr Water spinach, 50 gr Long beans, 50 gr Bean sprouts
  • ½ tsp Kaffir lime juice, 2 Kaffir lime leaves, 1 tsp frying Oil
  • 3 tbsp fried Peanuts, 2 tbsp grated Coconut
Grind into a paste-for spiced grated Coconut:
  • 1 Garlic clove, 1 cm Lesser Galangal, 1 Bird`s eye chili
  • 1 Red chili, Sugar, Salt
Grind into a paste-for Chili paste:
  • 10 Bird`s eye chilies, 3 Red chilies, 5 Shallots, 1 Tomato
  • 3 Candlenuts, 1 tsp Salt, 1 tsp Shrimp paste

  • Slice & then boil the water spinach & long beans. Soak beansprouts in hot water. Drain all. 
  • Chili paste: Mix spices paste with frying oil & kaffir lime juice.
  • Spiced grated coconut: Combine grated coconut with spices paste & lime leaves. Roast it for awhile.
  • Place all vegetables & peanuts in a serving plate. Add in the chili paste & roasted spiced coconut. Stir to combine it well.
  • You could serve this Spicy Vegetable Salad as complement for dishes such as Fragrant Spicy Chicken à la Lombok, Spicy Bruised Chicken à la Lombok & Lombok Style Spicy Grilled Chicken

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