In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)
- 2 sm Air asam, 2½ st Garam, ½ st Kaldu bubuk
- 8 Dn jeruk-iris, 40 gr Gula jawa-sisir, Minyak
- 5 Cabai merah-iris, 250 gr Kacang tanah kupas
- 5 cm Lengkuas & 3 cm Jahe-geprek, 150 ml Air
- 100 gr Bawang merah-iris halus lalu digoreng
- 500 gr Teri kering, 1 st Air jeruk nipis
- 6 Cabai keriting-haluskan, 3 Daun salam
- 2 Bawang merah & 5 Bawang putih-haluskan
Bhn Perendam Kacang:
- 200 ml Santan+Air secukupnya
- 2 Bawang putih-haluskan, Garam
Cara membuat
- Didihkan bahan perendam kacang. Angkat dari api & rendam kacang didalamnya ½ jam, tiriskan. Rendam teri di air hangat 10 mnt, tiriskan.
- Goreng teri & kacang dng api sedang hingga kering secara terpisah. Tiriskan & sisihkan.
- Tumis bumbu hls, cabai & daun jeruk dng 4 sm minyak. Beri gula jawa, garam, jahe, lengkuas, salam, asam, kaldu bbk & air. Masak sambil sesekali diaduk sampai mengental. Angkat & biarkan sampai agak dingin. Campurkan air jrk nipis, aduk rata.
- Mskkan kacang, teri & bawang goreng. Aduk dng rata hingga bumbu terserap. Masak sebentar, cicipi rasanya, tambahkan garam bila perlu. Angkat, biarkan hingga dingin terlebih dahulu bila kemudiannya akan disimpan, simpan dlm wadah tertutup rapat.
- ½ tsp Broth powder, 2½ tsp Salt, frying Oil
- 8 Kaffir lime leaves-sliced, 150 ml Water
- 500 gr dried Anchovies, 3 cm Ginger-bruised
- 1 tsp Lime juice, 6 Cayenne peppers-grind
- 2 tbsp Tamarind juice, 5 Red chilies-sliced
- 5 cm Galangal-crushed, 40 gr Brown sugar
- 2 Shallots & 5 cloves Garlic-grind
- 100 gr Shallots-thinly sliced & then fried
- 250 gr skinless Peanuts, 3 Bay leaves
Peanuts soaking ingredients:
- 200 ml Coconut milk+Enough Water
- 2 Garlic cloves-grind, Salt
- Boil all soaking ingredients; remove from the heat. Soak peanuts in it for 30 min; drain. Soak anchovies in warm water for 10 min; drain. Fry anchovies & peanuts separately over medium heat until it dries. Drain & set aside.
- Sauté ground spices, sliced chilies & lime leaves with 4 tbsp of frying oil. Add in brown sugar, salt, ginger, galangal, bay leaves, tamarind juice, broth powder & water. Cook until the sauce thickens; stir occasionally. Remove from the heat; let it stand until it cooler. Stir in the lime juice.
- Combine the sauce with fried peanuts, shallots & anchovies until the sauce covers all. Fry for a while. Check the taste, add some salt if needed. Remove from the heat & let it cool before placing them in a container.