

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Samosa Daging/Ayam (Beef/Chicken Samosa)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

Bahan (untuk 24 buah)

  • 500 gr Daging/Ayam cincang, 1 st Air jeruk nipis, Garam
  • 2 Bawang putih-haluskan, 250 gr Bawang bombay-cincang
  • 1 st Cabai bubuk, 1½ st Garam masala, 1 Cabai hijau-iris
  • 1 st Kunyit bubuk, 3 sm Minyak samin, Lada hitam bubuk
  • 1½ st Jintan, 1 st Ketumbar bubuk, 2 st Jahe parut

Bahan Kulit:

  • 80 ml Air hangat, 2 st Garam, 2 sm Minyak samin/-sayur
  • 225 gr Terigu, 1 st Biji Karom/Mungsi (pengganti: Thyme)

Cara membuat

  • Isi: Tumis bawang putih, bombay, jintan & jahe dengan minyak. Masukkan daging/ayam, cabai, semua bumbu & air nipis, aduk sampai daging matang. Sisihkan hingga dingin.
  • Kulit: Campur rata terigu, mungsi, garam & minyak. Tuangi air, sedikit demi sedikit sambil diuleni sampai kalis. Tutupi adonan dng lap lembab selama 30 menit. Bagi adonan menjadi 12, bentuk seperti bola2. Gilas adonan menjadi lingkaran berdiameter 15 cm kemudian belah/potong 2 sama besar.
  • Ulasi tepi tiap potongan dengan air. Bentuk/lipat menjadi seperti corong. Tekan2 sisi samping corong utk merekatkan. Mskkan ± 2 sm adonan isi ke dalamnya, padatkan isi. Ulasi sisi dalam kulit dengan air. Tutup bagian atasnya, tekan2 kulit utk merekatkan & menutup sempurna (bentuk jadi segitiga). Ulangi prosedur untuk sisa adonan. Panaskan minyak dengan api sedang. Goreng sampai kuning kecokelatan (panggang dng suhu 200° C selama ± 30-35 menit). Angkat & tiriskan.

Ingredients (for 24 pieces)

  • 500 gr ground Beef/Chicken, 1 tsp Lime juice, 3 tbsp Ghee
  • 1½ tsp Cumin, 2 Garlic cloves-grind, 1 tsp ground Turmeric
  • 1 Green chili-sliced, 1 tsp Chili flakes, 2 tsp grated Ginger
  • 1 tsp ground Coriander, 250 gr Onion-chopped, Salt
  • 1½ tsp Garam masala, ground black Pepper

Wrapper ingredients: for 24 pieces

  • 225 gr Flour, 2 tsp Salt, 2 tbsp Vegetable oil/Ghee
  • 1 tsp Ajowain/Carom seed (substitute: Thyme)
  • 80 ml Warm water


  • Filling: Sauté onion, garlic, cumin & ginger with ghee; add in the meat & chili. Put in all dry seasoning. Stir in lime juice; cook until the flavor blended & the meat is cooked. Set it aside & allowing it to cool down.
  • Wrapper: Mix flour, salt, carom seed & ghee/oil well. Pour in water, a little at a time while you knead the dough until smooth. Cover the dough with damp cloth; let it sit for 30 minutes. Divide the dough into 12 equal parts & then form them into balls. Roll each ball into a 15 cm diameter circle; cut each circle in half.
  • Smear each semicircle wrapper edge with water. Pick it up with both hands & fold it into a cone shape. Pinch the side of cone to seal. Put ~ 2 tbsp of filling into the cone; gently press the filling down. Smear the upper inside part of wrapper with water. Close the top of cone to form a triangle shape. Pinch the top edge to seal completely. Repeat the procedures for the rest of wrappers & filling. Heat some oil over medium heat. Deep fry samosas until golden brown (baked at 200° C for ~ 30-35 minutes). Take out & drain on paper towels.

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