

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Teri Goreng Sambal Hijau (Fried Anchovy in Green Chili Paste)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 500 gr Ikan teri basah-buang kepala, ½ st Gula
  • 100 gr Kacang tanah, 4 Daun jeruk-iris halus
  • 4 cm Lengkuas-geprek, 2 Kemiri, 2 Daun salam
  • 10 Cabai hijau, 30 ml Santan, Minyak goreng
  • 6 Cabai rawit hijau3 st Air jeruk nipis
  • 7 Bawang merah, 2 Bawang putihGaram
  • 1 Tomat hijau-potong kecil2
Perendam kacang:
  • 2 Bawang putih-haluskan, Garam & Air secukupnya

Cara membuat
  • Kucuri & remas perlahan teri dengan 2 st air jeruk nipis & garam. Goreng teri di minyak panas hingga mulai mengering lalu panggang di oven hingga teri kering/crispy. Tiriskan & sisihkan.
  • Campur bawang putih dng garam & air secukupnya utk merendam kacang. Rendam kacang di dalamnya selama ½ jam lalu tiriskan. Goreng kacang dng api sedang hingga kecoklatan & matang. Tiriskan di kertas penyerap minyak & sisihkan.
  • Kukus/Rebus cabai2 & bawang mrh sampai layu, tiriskan & potong2. Ulek halus bawang putih, rawit, kemiri & garam secukupnya. Mskkan cabai hijau, bawang mrh, gula & 1 st air jrk nipis. Ulek kasar kmd cicipi rasanya.
  • Panaskan sedikit minyak di wajan. Tumis daun jeruk, d. salam, lengkuas & sambal hingga wangi. Beri santan & tomat, masak hingga tomat mulai layu. Masukkan teri & kacang, aduk2 sampai tersaput rata dengan sambal. Cicipi, tambahkan garam bila perlu. Masak hingga rasa menyatu. Angkat, biarkan hingga dingin terlebih dulu bila akan disimpan, simpan dlm wadah tertutup rapat.

  • 500 gr fresh Anchovies-remove the head, frying Oil
  • 100 gr Peanuts, 30 ml Coconut milk, 2 Candlenuts
  • 2 Bay leaves,4 cm Galangal-crushed, ½ tsp Sugar
  • 3 tsp Lime juice, 2 Garlic cloves, 7 Shallots, Salt
  • 10 Green chilies, 4 Kaffir lime leaves-thinly sliced
  • 6 Bird’s eye chilies, 1 Green tomato-cut small
Peanuts soaking ingredients:
  • 2 Garlic cloves-grind, Enough Salt & Water

  • Combine anchovies with 2 tsp of lime juice & enough salt well. Fry anchovies until it start to dries & then bake it in the oven until dries/crisp. Drain & set aside.
  • Mix ground garlic with enough salt & water to soak the peanuts. Soak peanuts in it for 30 min; drain. Fry peanuts over medium heat until brownish; drain & set aside.
  • Steam/Boil all chilies & shallots until wilted; drain & cut small. With a mortar & pestle, finely grind the garlic, bird’s eye chilies, candle nuts & enough salt. Put in green chilies, shallots, sugar & 1 tsp of lime juice. Roughly grind the chilies & shallots. Check the taste.
  • Heat some oil in a pan. Sauté the roughly ground ingredients, kaffir lime leaves, bay leaves & galangal until fragrant. Add in sliced tomato & coconut milk; cook until the tomato slightly wilted. Put in fried anchovies & peanuts; stirring to combine them well. Check the taste, add some salt if needed. Keep on cooking it until the flavor blended. Remove from the heat & let it cool before placing them in a container.

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