

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Pepes Ikan Woku Daun (Aromatic Fish in Banana Leaf Parcel)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 2 ekor (800 gr) Ikan, 1 Jeruk nipis-peras
  • 2 Sereh-geprek, 2 Pandan-potong 2, Garam
  • 30 Daun kemangi, 8 Daun jeruk-iris halus
  • 2 Daun bawang-iris2, Minyak secukupnya
  • 2 Jeruk limau, 1 st Gula, 2 Daun pisang
  • 2 batang Daun kunyit, 4 Daun salam (opsional)
  • 1 Sereh-putihnya saja, 3 cm Kunyit
  • 8 Bawang merah, 3 cm Jahe, 4 Kemiri
  • 8 Cabai merah & 2 Cabai hijau
  • 1 cm Lengkuas & 2 Bawang putih (opsional)

Cara membuat
  • Tumis bumbu halus hingga wangi. Beri gula & garam, angkat, campur dng daun jeruk iris.
  • Belah perut ikan & bersihkan. Kerat2 badan ikan, lumuri dengan air nipis & garam, biarkan 5 menit. Lalu balur ikan (termasuk bagian dalamnya) dengan bumbu halus, biarkan 15 menit.
  • Susun daun2an & sereh dengan jumlah sama banyak di masing2 daun pisang. Letakkan ikan berbumbu di atasnya. Bungkus rapat & semat dengan tusuk gigi. Kukus selama 35-40 menit (sampai matang, tergantung ukuran ikan). Bakar/panggang pepes sejenak sebelum dihidangkan (opsional). Buka lapisan daun pisangnya lalu kucuri dengan air jeruk limau. Jika suka, dapat ditambah taburan daun bawang dan atau tomat iris setelah daun dibuka.
  • Hidangkan pepes dengan nasi hangat & hidangan pendamping seperti Urap Sayuran, Jukut Kacang Panjang, Tumis Kangkung, Tumis Putren Jamur ataupun Orak Arik Sayuran (klik pada link untuk resep2nya).

  • 2 (800 gr) Fish, 2 Lemongrass-bruised
  • 30 Lemon basil leaves, 2 Banana leaves
  • 1 tsp Sugar, 2 Pandan leaves-halved1 Lime
  • 8 Kaffir lime leaves-thinly sliced, enough Salt
  • 2 Green onion-sliced, 2 Kaffir lime, Frying oil
  • 2 stalk Turmeric leaf, 4 Bay leaves (optional)

Grind into a paste:
  • 4 Candlenuts, 3 cm Turmeric, 3 cm Ginger
  • 8 Red chilies & 2 Green chilies *
  • 8 Shallots, 1 Lemongrass-white part only
  • 1 cm Galangal & 2 Garlic cloves (optional)

  • Sauté the spices paste until fragrant. Add in sugar & enough salt. Remove from the heat & then mix it with sliced kaffir lime leaves.
  • Slit the fish stomach & clean the fish. Make shallow slashes in the thickest part of the flesh. Rub fish with some salt & lime juice; let it stand for 5 minutes. Rub all parts of the fish (including the inside part) with sautéed paste; let it stand for 15 minutes.
  • Place an even amount of leaves ingredients & lemongrass in 2 banana leaves. Place the fish & sauteed paste on top of it. Wrap them up tightly & pin with tooth picks. Steam for 35-40 minutes (until done-depends on the fish size). You could also than grill the wrapped fish for awhile before serving (optional). Unwrap the banana leaves & squeeze kaffir lime over the fish. Sprinkle more sliced green onion and or tomato after you unwrapped the banana leaves
  • * Discard chili seeds & membranes if you want the dish to be less spicy.
  • Serve the aromatic fish with warm steamed rice & vegetable dish such as Vegetable Salad with grated Coconut, Balinese Creamy Long Bean Salad, Sautéed Water Spinach, Sautéed Baby Corn & Mushroom or Scrambled Vegetables & Egg (click on the link for the recipes).

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