

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Pepes Tahu (Aromatic Steamed Tofu Parcel)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 420-450 gr Tahu, ½ st Ketumbar bubuk, Minyak
  • 4 Daun jeruk-iris halus, 1 sm Kelapa parut-sangrai
  • 3 Bawang merah-iris halus, 2 st Garam, 6-7 Rawit
  • 6-7 Daun salam, 3 Sereh-potong besar2 & geprek
  • 1 Daun bawang-iris, ½ st Gula, segenggam Kemangi
  • 1 Telur-kocok, Tusuk gigi/Lidi, Daun pisang *
  • 2 Bawang putih kecil, 2 cm Kunyit2 Cabai merah**
  • 2 Bawang merah, 3 Kemiri

Cara membuat
  • Tumis bumbu halus & bawang iris sampai harum, angkat & sisihkan. Hancurkan tahu dengan garpu hingga tak ada gumpalan2 besar lagi (tetapi jangan terlalu halus/hancur).
  • Campur tahu dengan kelapa parut, tumisan bumbu, gula, garam, ketumbar, daun jeruk, daun bawang & kemangi, aduk rata. Beri telur, aduk rata. Bagi adonan menjadi 6 atau 7 sama banyak.
  • Potong daun pisang jadi 6-7 lembar berukuran ± 15X27 cm. Susun 1 daun salam, potongan sereh & 1 rawit di tengah tiap lembar potongan daun pisang. Letakkan adonan tahu di atasnya. Bungkus rapat & semat dng lidi/tusuk gigi. Kukus selama ± 30 menit.
  • * Daun pisang dapat diganti dengan aluminium foil, tetapi pepes akan lebih harum bila dimasak dengan daun pisang. ** Buang biji & membran dari dalam cabai bila tidak mau pepesnya pedas.

  • 420-450 gr firm Tofu, ½ tsp ground Coriander, frying Oil
  • 3 Shallots & 4 Kaffir lime leaves-thinly sliced, 2 tsp Salt
  • 3 Lemongrass-bruised & sliced big, 1 Green onion-sliced
  • 1 tbsp grated Coconut-roasted6-7 Bird’s eye chilies
  • 6-7 Bay leaves, 1 Egg-beaten½ tsp Sugar
  • handful of Lemon basil leavesBanana leaves *
  • Toothpicks/skewers
Grind into a paste:
  • 2 Shallots, 2 cm Turmeric, 2 small Garlic cloves
  • 3 Candlenuts, 2 Red chilies **

  • Sauté the spices paste & sliced shallots until fragrant; set aside. Using a fork, mash the tofu until big lumps are gone. Don’t mash the tofu until it’s too fine; stop mashing when big lumps are gone.
  • Mix mashed tofu with grated coconut, sautéed spices, all seasoning, green onion, kaffir lime & basil lime leaves. Put in the egg; combine them well. Divide the tofu mixture evenly into 6 or 7 parts.
  • Cut banana leaves into 6 or 7 sheets, ~ 15X27 cm. Put 1 bay leaf, 1 bird’s eye chili & lemongrass slices on the center of each banana leaf sheet. Place the tofu mixture on top of it. Wrap up the leaf tightly to covers all. Pin with small skewers/toothpicks. Steam for ~ 30 minutes.
  • * Banana leaf can be substitute with aluminum foil, but the tofu parcel won’t get the same aroma (though it will still taste very good). ** Discard all of the chili seeds & ribs (membranes) if you don’t want the dish to be spicy.

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