

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Ayam Pop Padang (Steamed & Briefly Fried Chicken Padang Style)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 4 Paha/4 belah Dada ayam tanpa kulit 3 cm Kayu manis
  • 2 sm Air nipis, 1 Sereh-geprek, 3 Daun salam, Garam
  • 1 st Kapulaga bubuk, 1 lt Air kelapa, 4 Daun jeruk
  • Minyak, 1 sm Mentega
  • 3 Bawang putih, 6 Bawang merah, 2 cm Jahe, 3 Kemiri
  • 1 st Lada, ½ st Ketumbar
  • 10 Cabai merah, 3 Cabai keriting, 5 Bawang merah
  • 6 Petai-iris, 5 sm Air sisa rendaman ayam, Garam
  • 2 Bawang putih, 2 Tomat, ½ st Lada, 1½ st Gula
  • 1 Jeruk limau

Cara membuat
  • Tusuk2 ayam dng garpu, lumuri dng air nipis & garam, diamkan 20 mnt. Didihkan air klp, bumbu hls, semua bumbu & garam seckpnya. Masak hingga rasa menyatu. Angkat, biarkan mendingin. Rendam ayam di campuran tsb min 4 jam di kulkas. Angkat ayam dari air rendaman. Simpan 5 sm air rendaman utk nantinya dicampur dng sambal. Mskkan sisa air rendaman ke dlm panci kukusan, tambahi air secukupnya kmd panaskan kukusan. Kukus ayam hingga matang. Angkat.
  • Sambal: Rebus cabai & tomat, tiriskan. Ptg2 1 buah tomat, sisihkan. Blender cabai, tomat utuh & bawang2. Tumis dng 3 sm minyak. Beri petai, 5 sm air rendaman, tomat potong, gula & garam. Masak hingga sambal mengering & berminyak. Angkat, kucuri perasan jrk limau, aduk rata.
  • Panaskan minyak agak banyak di wajan, tambahi mentega. Celupkan ayam beberapa saat di minyak panas seblm disajikan, balik ayam, diamkan sesaat kmd angkat. Sajikan dng sambalnya, daun singkong rebus maupun lalapan.

  • 4 skinless Chicken thighs/4 halved breast, 3 Bay leaves
  • 1 lt Coconut water, 1 Lemongrass-bruised, 3 cm Cinnamon
  • 4 Kaffir lime leaves, frying Oil, 1 tbsp Butter, Salt
  • 2 tbsp Lime juice, 1 tsp ground Cardamom
Grind into a paste:
  • 3 Garlic cloves, 6 Shallots, 3 Candlenuts, ½ tsp Coriander
  • 1 tsp Pepper, 2 cm Ginger
Chili paste:
  • 2 Garlic cloves10 Red chilies, 3 Cayenne peppers
  • 1 Kaffir lime, 6 Stinky beans-sliced, ½ tsp Pepper
  • 5 tbsp of marinating mixture from the chicken
  • 5 Shallots, 2 Tomatoes, 1½ tsp Sugar, Salt

  • Pokes the chicken with a fork & then rub it with lime juice & some salt; let it rest for 20 minutes. Boil the coconut water with the spices paste & remaining spices. Bring it to a simmer until the flavor blended. Remove from the heat & let it cool down. Marinate the chicken in the mixture; covered & set it in the fridge for min 4 hours. Remove the chicken from the mixture. Save 5 tbsp of the marinating mixture for making the chili paste later on. Put the rest of the mixture into a steamer pot; add some more water; put the steamers lid on & then heat it. Steam the chicken until they are cooked. Remove from the heat & set aside.
  • Chili paste: Boil the chilies & tomatoes for a while; drain. Slice 1 of the tomato; set it aside. Grind all chilies, 1 whole boiled tomato, garlic & shallots. Sauté ground chilies with 3 tbsp oil until fragrant. Add in the stinky beans, 5 tbsp of the marinating mixture, sliced tomato, salt & sugar. Cook & keep on stirring it until the chili paste becomes greasy. Remove from the heat; mix in the kaffir lime juice.
  • In a wok, heat a lot of frying oil; add in the butter. Right before serving, fry the chicken just for a few second on both sides (like you just want to warm them up). Remove from the heat & serve the chicken with the chili paste, boiled cassava leaves and other raw vegetables.
  • * Discard the stinky beans from chili paste if u don’t want to eat them (I also don`t like to eat it). But it`s necessary to add the beans to the chili paste to get the flavor. Warning: Stinky beans contains certain Amino acids that give a strong smell to one`s urine up to 2 days after consumption (only when you eat the beans).

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