

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Bruine Bonen Soep (Kidney Beans Soup)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 250 gr Kacang merah, 250 ml Susu, 1 Tomat-iris
  • 250 gr Daging babi/sapi-ptg dadu, 1 Wortel-ptg2
  • 3 sm irisan Bacon, 2 Daun bawang & 1 Seledri-iris
  • ½ Bawang bombay-cacah, 2 cm Jahe-geprekGaram
  • 1 st Pala bubuk, 2 sm Mentega1 st Lada bubuk
  • 2 Cengkeh-geprek, 2 st Kaldu bubuk, 2 Daun salam
  • 3 Bawang merah, 3 Bawang putih, 2 Kemiri

Cara membuat
  • Rendam kacang merah 1 malam (kacang segar: rendam 2 jam). Rebus hingga ½ matang. Air rebusan di panci sisakan 500 ml. Angkat kacang merah setengahnya, tiriskan & blender. Masukkan kembali ke panci.
  • Tumis bombay dan bumbu halus dng mentega, mskkan ke panci. Beri daging, bacon, cengkeh, lada, pala, jahe, kaldu bbk, daun salam & susu.
  • Masak hingga daging & kacang benar2 empuk. Beri garam secukupnya. Masukkan daun bawang, seledri, tomat dan wortel, masak sebentar

  • 250 gr Kidney beans, 250 ml Milk, 1 Carrot-sliced
  • 250 gr Pork/Beef-diced, 3 tbsp sliced Bacon, Salt
  • 1 tsp Pepper, ½ Onion-chopped, 1 Celery rib-sliced
  • 1 Tomato & 2 Green onions-sliced, 2 Bay leaves
  • 2 Cloves & 2 cm Ginger-bruised, 2 tbsp Butter
  • 2 tsp Beef broth powder, 1 tsp ground Nutmeg
Grind into a paste:
  • 3 Shallots, 3 cloves Garlic, 2 Candlenuts

  • Soak beans for 1 night in water (with fresh beans: soak it for 2 hours). Boil beans until ½ cooked. Save 500 ml boiled water on the pan. Remove ½ parts of the beans; drain & then finely grind beans. Put it back into the pan.
  • Sauté the spices paste & onion with butter. Put it into the pan. Add in meat, bacon, cloves, pepper, nutmeg, ginger, broth powder, bay leaves & milk.
  • Cook until the meat & beans tender. Season with salt to taste. Add in green onion, celery, tomato & carrot; cook for awhile.

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