

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Sop Daging Betawi (Meat Soup ala Betawi)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 300 gr Daging sapi-potong dadu, 1 cm Kayu manis
  • 2 Kentang-potong dadu2 sm Mentega/Margarin
  • 1 Sereh & 1 Cengkeh-geprek, ½ Pekak, 1 lt Air
  • 2 Wortel, 1 Tomat & 3 Daun kol-potong
  • 2 Seledri & 2 Daun bawang-iris2
  • 1 st Pala, 1 st Lada, 1 cm Jahe, 3 Bawang putih
  • 2 st Garam, 1 st Kaldu bubuk, 2 Bawang merah

Cara membuat
  • Rebus daging & kentang bersama pekak, cengkeh, kayu manis & sereh sampai empuk.
  • Tumis bumbu halus dengan mentega hingga harum. Masukkan ke rebusan daging. Masak ± 10 menitMasukkan sayuran dan masak lagi sebentar.

  • 300 gr Beef-diced, 1 Tomato-sliced, 1 lt Water
  • 2 Potatoes-diced, 1 cm Cinnamon, ½ Star anise
  • 2 Celery & 2 Green onions-sliced, 2 tbsp Butter
  • 1 stalk Lemongrass & 1 Clove-bruised
  • 2 Carrots & 3 sheets Cabbage-sliced
Grind into a paste:
  • 1 tsp Nutmeg, 2 Shallots, 2 tsp Salt, 1 tsp Pepper
  • 1 tsp Broth powder, 3 Garlic cloves, 1 cm Ginger

  • Boil the meat & potatoes with star anise, clove, cinnamon & lemongrass until the meat tender.
  • Sauté spices paste with butter until fragrant. Put into the soup, cook for 10 minutes. Add in vegetables & cook for awhile.

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