

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Dendeng Balado (Indonesian Beef Jerky in Chili Paste)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)


  • 1 kg Daging paha sapi, 2 cm Jahe, 1 Jeruk nipis
  • 2 Kentang-ptg korek api & goreng kering, Air
  • 2 cm Lengkuas & 1 Sereh-geprek, Minyak


  • 2 Bawang merah, 4 Bawang putih, 1 sm Ketumbar
  • Garam secukupnya

Bahan Sambal:

  • 1 Bawang putih, 1 Tomat kecil-iris, 2 Daun jeruk
  • ½ st Air limau, 5 Cabai merah, 5 Cabai Keriting
  • 8 Bawang merah-iris halus, 5 st Air Kelapa
  • 1 st Gula, 2 Kemiri, enough Garam


Cara membuat

  • Mskkan daging ke freezer sampai ½ beku lalu iris2 tipis & lebar, sisihkan.
  • Tumis bumbu halus. Pindahkan ke panci lalu masak tumisan bumbu, sereh, lengkuas, jahe dengan air yang cukup untuk merendam daging. Setelah mendidih, matikan api, beri air nipis & aduk. Biarkan hingga dingin lalu rendam daging di dalamnya selama 6-8 jam. Tiriskan, goreng di api sedang sampai garing kecokelatan (jangan gosong ya). Tiriskan di kertas penyerap minyak. (Panggang di oven dengan api atas 250° C selama 40-45 menit, hingga garing kecokelatan).
  • Balado : Bila memakai ulekan, rebus cabai sebentar agar mudah digiling, tiriskan. Giling halus bawang putih, kemiri & garam secukupnya. Beri cabai2, giling kasar, mskkan tomat lalu tumbuk2 utk mememarkan saja. Goreng bumbu giling, daun jeruk & irisan bawang merah hingga wangi. Beri gula & air kelapa. Aduk sebentar sampai sambal matang. Cicipi, tambahi bumbu bila perlu. Matikan api.
  • Masukkan gorengan daging & kentang goreng ke balado, aduk hingga tersaput rata dengan balado.



  • 1 kg Top side beef, 2 cm Ginger, Water, 1 Lime
  • 2 Potatoes-shredded & deep fried, Frying oil
  • 2 cm Galangal & 1 Lemon grass-bruised

Grind into a paste:

  • 4 cloves Garlic, 2 Shallots, 1 tbsp Coriander, Salt

Chili paste:

  • 1 Garlic clove, 2 Kaffir lime leaves, 1 tsp Sugar
  • 8 Shallots-thinly sliced, 5 tsp Coconut juice, Salt
  • 5 Cayenne peppers, 5 red Chilies2 Candlenuts
  • ½ tsp Kaffir lime juice, 1 small Tomato-sliced



  • Put meat in the freezer until ½ froze, then slice the meat thinly & rather wide. Set it aside.
  • Sauté spices paste. In a pot, cook sautéed spices, lemon grass, galangal & ginger with water (just enough to soak the meat); bring it to a boil. After it's boiling, turn off the heat & stir in lime juice. Let it cool down & then put in the meat. Marinate the meat for 6-8 hours. Drain the meat. Deep fried in hot frying oil over medium heat until the meat colour becomes brown & it dries (be careful not to burn the meat). Drain on paper towel (Roast the meat in the oven 250° C for 40-45 minutes until the meat color brown & dries).
  • Chili paste: If you’re using a pestle & mortar to grind, first boil chilies for a while, so it will be easier to grind; drain it. Grind garlic, candle nuts & enough salt finely. Coarsely grind the chilies. Add in tomato; pound just to bruise it. Fry ground spices, kaffir lime leaves & sliced shallots until fragrant. Add in sugar & coconut juice. Stir  until the chili paste cooked. Taste & adjust the seasoning if it’s needed. Turn off the heat.
  • Put in the meat & shredded fried potatoes; give it a good stir to coat evenly with the chili paste.

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