

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Italian Style Schnitzel with Spaghetti & Tomato Sauce

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 500 gr Daging/Ayam fillet-iris setebal 1-1½ cm, Minyak
  • 1 st Rosmary, Garam, Lada bubuk, Ketumbar bubuk
  • 3 sm Mentega, 100 gr Terigu, 100 gr Parmesan parut
  • 100 gr Panir, 3 st Oregano segar-iris, 2 Telur-kocok
  • 250 gr Spaghetti, 2 sm Olive oil, 1½ lt Air+2 sm Garam
Saus Tomat:
  • 1 Bawang bombay-iris, 1 sm Tomat pasta, 8 Olive-iris
  • 3 Bawang putih-cincang, 1 st Oregano kering, 1 st Gula
  • 7 Tomat besar, 2 sm Olive oil, 2 st Garam, 2 st Thyme
  • 1 st Balsamico, 5 Champignon & ¼ Paprika/2 Cabai-iris
  • 1 st Lada bubuk, 2 Daun salam

Cara membuat
  • Schnitzel: Campur daun oregano, keju, rosmary & panir, sisihkan. Lumuri daging dengan garam, lada & ketumbar lalu diamkan ½ jam. Lapisi daging dengan terigu, celup di telur, lapisi dengan panir. Panaskan mentega+minyak. Ggoreng daging hingga kecokelatan, angkat, tiriskan di kertas minyak
  • Saus: Didihkan air, rebus tomat sampai merekah. Angkat, kupas kulit, potong2. Tumis bawang putih, bombay & paprika dengan olive oil. Masukkan tomat, jamur, olive, salam, oregano, thyme. Masak di api kecil sampai tomat hancur, beri tomat pasta, balsamico, garam, lada & gula. Aduk rata.
  • Spaghetti: Didihkan air+garam, masukkan Spaghetti, masak sampai matang. Angkat, & tiriskan. Beri sedikit olive oil, aduk rata.
  • Atur daging dan spaghetti di piring saji, tuang saus di atas spaghettinya.

  • 500 gr Pork/chicken fillet100 gr Flour3 tbsp Butter
  • 100 gr Parmesan, 2 Eggs-beaten, 1 tsp Rosemary, Oil
  • 100 gr Breadcrumbs, 3 st fresh Oregano-sliced, Salt
  • ground Coriander, ground Pepper
  • 250 gr Spaghetti, 1½ lt Water+2 tbsp Salt
  • 2 tbsp Olive oil
Tomato Sauce:
  • 5 Champignon & ¼ Paprika/2 Chilies-sliced, 1 tsp Sugar
  • 2 tbsp Olive oil, 1 tsp Balsamico1 tsp ground Pepper
  • 2 Bay leaves7 big Tomatoes, 1 tsp dried Oregano
  • 3 Garlic cloves-chopped, 8 Olives & 1 Onion-sliced
  • 2 tsp Salt, 1 tbsp Tomato paste, 2 tsp Thyme

  • Schnitzel: Combine the oregano, parmesan, rosemary & bread crumbs; set it aside. Slice meat 1-1½ cm thick & then rub it with enough salt, pepper & coriander. Let it stand for 30 minutes. Coat the meat with flour. Dip it into beaten eggs & then cover all with bread crumbs. Preheat frying oil & butter; fry the meat until golden brown. Lift from the stove & drain on paper towels.
  • Sauce: Boil a pot of water, cook tomatoes until the skin cracked. Then lift from the water & peel the skin completely. Slice it small & set aside. Sauté onion, garlic & paprika with olive oil. Add in the tomato slices, champignon, olives, bay leaves, dried oregano & thyme. Cook over low heat until the tomato smooth; then put in tomato paste, balsamico, salt, pepper, sugar. Stir & cook until the sauce thickens.
  • Spaghetti: Boil spaghetti in boiling water+salt until it's cooked & then drain it with a strainer. Put spaghetti in a bowl; mix it well with a little olive oil.
  • Place the meat & spaghetti in serving plates, pour tomato sauce over.

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