

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Ayam Woku (Woku Chicken/Manadonese Spicy Chicken)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)



  • 1 Ayam-potong, 1 st Garam, 30 Daun kemangi, ½ st Gula
  • 2 sm Air jeruk nipis, 2 Sereh-geprek, 200 ml Kaldu ayam
  • Minyak, 100 ml Santan* (opsional)

Iris halus:

  • 5 Cabai hijau**, 7 Daun jeruk, 1 Pandan, 1 Daun kunyit
  • 3 Daun bawang


  • 4 Rawit, 3 Cabai keriting, 7 Cabai hijau**, 2 cm Kunyit
  • 3 Bawang putih, 8 Bawang merah, 1 Tomat, 6 Kemiri
  • 3 cm Jahe, 2 st Garam


Cara membuat

  • Lumuri ayam dng garam & air nipis, diamkan 30 menit. Goreng ayam setengah matang.
  • Tumis bumbu halus dengan minyak. Masukkan ayam & bahan lain (kecuali kemangi & daun bawang), aduk rata. Beri air (& santan), didihkan. Kecilkan api ke sedang-kecil.
  • Masak & aduk2 sampai ayam matang, kuah sangat menyusut & mengental. Masukkan daun bawang & kemangi, masak & aduk lagi 2 menit. Angkat dan hidangkan
  • * Jika menggunakan santan, ayam ini biasa disebut dengan ayam tuturaga. Biasanya kuah juga dibiarkan agak banyak & lebih cair (seperti opor). ** Cabai hijau dapat juga diganti dng cabai merah, tapi saya pribadi lebih suka menggunakan cabai hijau utk masakan ini.



  • 1 Chicken-cut, 200 ml Chicken broth, 2 tbsp Lime juice
  • 2 Lemongrass-bruised, ½ tsp Sugar, 1 tsp Salt, frying Oil
  • 30 Lemon basil leaves, 100 ml Coconut milk* (optional)

Thinly sliced:

  • 7 Kaffir lime leaves, 1 Pandan leaf, 3 Green onions
  • 1 stalk Turmeric leaves, 5 Green chilies**

Grind into a paste:

  • 4 Bird`s eye chilies, 6 Candlenuts, 2 cm Turmeric
  • 3 Cayenne peppers, 7 Green chilies**, 2 tsp Salt
  • 8 Shallots, 1 Tomato, 3 Garlic cloves, 3 cm Ginger



  • Rub the chicken with salt & lime juice; let it stand for 30 minutes; then fry until half cooked.
  • Sauté the spices paste with oil. Stir in the chicken & other ingredients with the exceptions of basil leaves & green onions. Pour in the water (& coconut milk); bring it to a boil. Reduce the heat to medium-low.
  • Let it simmer & stir often until the chicken tender, the gravy reduce & thickens. Stir in basil leaves & green onions. Cook for another 2 minutes. Remove from the heat & serve.
  • * When you're using the coconut milk, the dish name is Ayam/Chicken Tuturaga. And for Ayam Tuturaga, you don't have to cook it until the liquid really reduced & thickens. ** You could also substitute the green chilies with red chilies, but personally, I prefer to use green chilies for this dish.

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