

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Soto Ayam (Classic Indonesian Chicken Soup)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 500 gr Ayam-rebus lalu suwir2 (simpan kaldu 1 ltr)
  • 1 Sereh & 2 cm Lengkuas-geprek, 2 st Kaldu bubuk
  • 2 Daun salam, 4 Daun jeruk, 2 cm Jahe-geprek
  • 1 st Gula, Garam secukupnya
  • 1½ cm Kunyit, 3 Bawang merah, 5 Bawang putih
  • 2 Kapulaga, 5 Kemiri, 1 st Ketumbar, 1 st Lada
Untuk sambal:
  • 8 Rawit, 25 ml Kaldu, Garam
  • 1 Tomat+2 Daun bawang+2 Seledri-iris2 terpisah
  • 5 Kentang-iris tipis lalu goreng jadi keripik
  • 100 gr Soun & 50 gr Toge-seduh air panas terpisah
  • 5 Telur-rebus & iris 2 atau Sate telur puyuh manis
  • Perkedel kentang atau Tempe goreng tepung
  • Bawang goreng, Jeruk nipis-potong

Cara membuat
  • Kuah: Tumis bumbu halus. Masukkan bumbu halus, sereh, lengkuas, jahe, daun jeruk, salam & kaldu bubuk ke kaldu rebusan ayam, didihkan. Beri garam. Buang daun2 & bumbu2.
  • Sambal : Rebus rawit, haluskan, tambah garam dan tuangi air kaldu panas.
  • Tiriskan soun & toge. Atur telur, toge, tomat, soun & ayam di mangkuk. Sirami kuah, beri daun bawang, bawang goreng, seledri. Kucuri air nipis. Sajikan dengan nasi hangat atau Lontong, sambal, keripik kentang, telur rebus atau Sate Telur Puyuh Manis dan Perkedel Kentang atau Tempe Goreng Tepung (klik pd linknya utk melihat resep2).

  • 500 gr Chicken-boiled & then shred (save 1 lt broth)
  • 2 cm Galangal-crushed, 4 Kaffir lime leaves
  • 1 Lemongrass & 2 cm Ginger-bruised, Salt
  • 2 Bay leaves, 1 tsp Sugar, 2 tsp Broth powder
Grind into a paste:
  • 2 Cardamom pods, 1½ cm Turmeric, 1 tsp Pepper
  • 3 Shallots, 5 Garlic cloves5 Candlenuts
  • 1 tsp Coriander
Chili paste:
  • 8 Bird’s eye chilies, 25 ml Broth, Salt
  • 1 Tomato+2 Scallions+2 Celery leaves-sliced separately
  • 5 Potatoes-thinly sliced & then fry into chips
  • 100 gr Mungbean thread-soaked in hot water & drain
  • 50 gr Beansprouts-soaked in hot water & drain
  • 5 Eggs-boiled & halved or Sweet quail eggs satay
  • Potato Frikadeller or Flour Coating Fried Tempeh
  • Fried onions/shallots, Lime wedges

  • Soup: Sauté spices paste. Put sautéed spices, lemongrass, galangal, ginger, bay leaves, lime leaves & broth powder into the broth. Bring it to a simmer. Stir in salt. Discard all herbs & leaves
  • Chili paste: Boil the chilies for awhile & then grind it. Stir in salt & hot chicken broth.
  • Drain beansprouts & mung bean thread. Put egg, bean sprouts, sliced tomato, mung bean thread & shredded chicken in serving bowls. Pour in the soup & lime juice; sprinkle with fried onion, green onions & celery leaves. Serve with steamed rice or Rolled & Compressed Rice Cake, the chili paste, potato chips, boiled eggs or Sweet Quail Eggs Satay and Potato & Meat Frikadeller or Flour Coating Fried Tempeh (click on the links for the recipe).

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