

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Babi Kecap (Braised Pork Belly in Soy Sauce/Hóngshāo Ròu)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 500 gr Daging perut babi-potong*, 1 Pekak, ½ lt Air
  • 4 Telur rebus, 3 sm Kecap manis, 2 sm Kecap asin
  • 1 st Pala bubuk1 st Lada Sichuan, Minyak kacang
  • 1 cm Lengkuas-geprek, ½ Bawang bombay-iris
  • 4 cm Kayu manis½ Tomat-iris kecil2
  • 1 sm Angciu & 1 Cabai iris (opsional)
Bahan perendam:
  • 2 sm Kecap asin, 1 st Lada bubuk, ½ st Pala bubuk
  • 2 sm Saus tiram, ½ st Bumbu ngohiong
  • 4 Bawang merah, 2 Bawang putih, 1 st Garam
  • 1 cm Jahe

Cara membuat
  • Potong2 daging. Campur semua bahan perendam. Rendam daging di bahan perendam selama minimal ½ jam.
  • Tumis bumbu halus, cabai & bombay dengan minyak kacang. Masukkan daging & angciu, aduk hingga berubah warna.
  • Masukkan air & bumbu2. Masak di api kecil hingga rasa menyatu & daging ½ matang.
  • Masukkan tomat & telur. Masak sambil sesekali diaduk hingga telur kecokelatan, daging empuk, tomat hancur, saus menyusut & mengental. Angkat, buang pekak, lengkuas & kayu manisnya.
  • * Untuk versi halal dapat diganti dengan daging ayam berlemak (photo kedua). Gunakan hanya 400 ml air. Masukkan ayam ditahap 4 bersama telur & tomat setelah rasa bumbu menyatu untuk mencegah ayam terlalu lama dimasak.

  • 500 gr Pork belly (skin on)-sliced*, ½ Tomato-small sliced
  • 4 boiled Eggs, 4 cm Cinnamon, 1 cm Galangal-bruised
  • 2 tbsp salty Soy sauce, 1 Star anise, ½ Onion-sliced
  • 3 tbsp sweet Soy Sauce, ½ lt Water, Peanut oil
  • 1 tsp Sichuan pepper, 1 tsp ground Nutmeg
  • 1 tbsp Chinese rice wine & 1 Chili-sliced (optional)
Grind into a paste:
  • 2 Garlic cloves, 4 Shallots, 1 tsp Salt, 1 cm Ginger
Marinade ingredients:
  • 2 tbsp Oyster sauce, ½ tsp 5-Spice powder
  • ½ tsp ground Nutmeg, 1 tsp ground Pepper
  • 2 tbsp salty Soy sauce

  • Combine all marinade ingredients & marinate the pork for minimum 30 minutes.
  • Sauté spices paste, chili & onion with peanut oil. Add in the pork & rice wine, stir until pork colour changed.
  • Put in water & seasoning. Bring it to a boil & then simmer over low heat until the flavor blended & the pork almost done.
  • Add in tomato & eggs; cook until the eggs color light brown, the pork is tender & the gravy reduced & thicken. Stir occasionally. Discard star anise, galangal & cinnamon.
  • *  For a Halal version, you could use fatty chicken fillet for the dish (2nd photo). Use only 400 ml of water. Put in chicken into the gravy at 4th stage, together with tomato & eggs, after the flavor blended, to avoid the chicken from over cooked.

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