

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Semur Daging Betawi (Beef Stew Betawi Style)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 300 gr Daging has dalam, 3 sm Minyak, 2 Daun salam
  • 1 Sereh & 2 cm Lengkuas-geprek, 3 sm Kecap manis
  • 1 st Garam, 1 sm Beras-sangrai & tumbuk halus
  • ½ st Pala bubuk, 250 ml Air, 3 cm Kayu manis
  • 2 CengkehBawang goreng-utk taburan
Bumbu Halus:
  • ¼ st Terasi, 5 Bawang merah, 2 Bawang putih
  • 2 Kemiri, 2 cm Jahe
Sangrai lalu haluskan:
  • ½ sm Ketumbar, 1 st Lada, 1 st Jintan

Cara membuat
  • Tumis bumbu halus, angkat. Campur daging dengan bumbu halus, kecap, pala & garam dengan rata. Diamkan 1 jam.
  • Masak daging dengan sereh, lengkuas, daun salam, cengkeh, kayu manis & air sampai daging empuk. Bila air kurang & daging belum empuk, tambahkan air panas. Masukkan beras tumbuk, aduk sampai kuah mengental. Beri ½ dari bumbu sangrai, aduk rata lalu angkat.
  • Taruh semur di piring saji, taburi dengan bawang goreng & sisa bumbu sangrai.

  • 300 gr Beef tenderloin, 250 ml Water, 3 cm Cinnamon
  • 3 tbsp sweet Soy sauce, 1 tsp Salt, 3 tbsp Frying Oil
  • 1 Lemongrass & 2 cm Galangal-bruised, 2 Bay leaves
  • 1 tbsp Rice-roasted & finely ground, 2 Cloves
  • ½ tsp ground Nutmeg, Fried Onion-sprinkle
Grind into a paste:
  • 2 cm Ginger, 2 Candlenuts, 5 Shallots
  • ¼ tsp Shrimp paste, 2 Garlic cloves
Roasted & finely ground spices:
  • ½ tbsp Coriander, 1 tsp Cumin, 1 tsp Peppercorns

  • Sauté the spices paste; remove from heat. Mix meat with sautéed spices, sweet soy sauce, oil, nutmeg & salt well. Let it stand for 1 hour.
  • Cook the meat with lemongrass, galangal, bay leaves, clove, cinnamon & water until the meat tender. You may add in more hot water if it`s necessary. Stir in ground rice; cook until the sauce rather thick. Add ini ½ portions of roasted spices; stir well & then remove from the heat.
  • Place the stew in serving plate; sprinkle with fried onion & the rest of roasted spices.

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