

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Tahu Goreng Crispy (Crispy Fried Tofu)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)


  • 700 gr Tahu-potong dadu, 1 st Baking powder
  • ½ st Bawang putih bubuk, ½ st Ketumbar bubuk
  • ½ st Lada bubuk, 1 st Kaldu bubuk, Minyak
  • 1¼ st Garam, 350 ml Air dingin

Campuran tepung alternative 1:

  • 40 gr Tepung beras+35 gr Terigu+15 gr Tepung Tapioka

Campuran tepung alternative 2:

  • 60 gr Terigu+¾ sm Maizena


Cara membuat

  • Campur air dengan bawang putih, lada, garam, kaldu, baking powder & ketumbar, lalu rendam tahu ± 20 menit.
  • Tiriskan tahu & sisihkan. Campur air perendam dengan campuran tepung (pilih antara alternative 1 atau 2), aduk hingga tak bergerindil.
  • Panaskan minyak dengan api besar di pan anti lengket, goreng tahu sambil diaduk2 hingga mulai kering & tak saling menempel. Kecilkan api ke sedang, masak hingga tahu berkulit & mengering.
  • Besarkan api, aduk adonan tepung lalu tuang ⅓ dari adonan tersebu dengan jarak yang agak tinggi di atas wajan dengan gerakan memutari wajan. Diamkan hingga busa minyak berkurang. Aduk2 adonan ke arah tahu hingga adonan menempel sempurna di tahu & mengering. Ulang prosedur penuangan adonan hingga habis. Dipenuangan ⅓ adonan terakhir, ketika adonan sdh menempel sempurna & mengering, kecilkan api ke sedang-kecil. Masak hingga kuning kecokelatan. Angkat & tiriskan.
  • Taburi cabai bubuk atau bumbu BBQ bubuk bila suka seblm dihidangkan. Hidangkan dengan cabai/saus sambal.



  • 700 gr Tofu-cubed, 1 tsp Baking powder
  • ½ tsp Garlic powder, ¾ tsp Coriander powder
  • ½ tsp ground pepper, 1 tsp Broth powder
  • 1¼ tsp Salt, 350 ml Cold water, Frying oil

Coating ingredients-alternative 1:

  • 40 gr Rice starch+35 gr Flour+15 gr Tapioca starch

Coating ingredients alternative 2:

  • 60 gr Flour, ¾ tbsp Corn starch



  • Combine the garlic, pepper, salt, broth powder & coriander with water. Soak tofu in the mixture for ~ 20 minutes. Drain tofu & set aside.
  • Combine marinate water with coating ingredients (choose 1 of the coating ingredients alternatives). Keep on stirring until the mixture smooth.
  • Heat lots of oil over high heat in a non-stick wok. Fry & stir the tofu until they are not sticking one to another. Turn the heat to medium; fry until the tofu dries & stiff.
  • Turn the heat to high. Stir in the batter & then pour ⅓ part of it into the wok in a circle movement. Wait until the bubbles lessen (around 10 seconds). Stir batter quickly in the directions of the tofu until the batter sticks completely in tofu (covering it); keep on stirring until it dries. Repeat the pouring & stirring procedures until the batter finished. In the last pouring, after the batter covers the tofu, turn the heat to medium-low. Fry tofu until golden brown & crisp. Remove from the heat & then drain it on a paper towel.
  • Sprinkle some chili flakes or BBQ powder over the crisp tofu if you want or just serve it with chili or chili sauce.

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