

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Soto Betawi (Beef in Coconut Soup Betawi Style)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • ½ kg Daging+½ kg Jeroan (1 kg daging), 2 lt Air
  • ½ kg Tulang soup sapi, 2 cm Jahe, 1 sm Mentega
  • 3 Daun Salam, 4 Daun Jeruk, 3 st Gula merah
  • 1 Pekak, 4 cm Lengkuas & 2 Sereh-geprek
  • 250 ml Santan, 250 ml Susu, 1 sm Kecap manis
  • 3 Kentang-potong2 & goreng10 cm Kayu manis
  • 2 Asam, 2 Daun bawang & 2 Tomat-iris, Minyak
  • 2 sm Kelapa parut-sangrai & haluskan, Garam
  • 1 Kapulaga, 2 Belimbing wuluh-belah 2 (opsional)
  • 1 st Ketumbar & 8 Kemiri-sangrai2 cm Kunyit
  • ½ st Jintan & 2 st Lada-sangrai, 2 Cabai merah
  • 1 st Pala, 8 Bawang merah, 4 Bawang putih
  • 2 st Gula merah
  • Sambal, Bawang goreng, Jeruk nipis, Emping

Cara membuat
  • Potong besar2 daging & jeroan. Masak tulang, daging, jeroan, kayu manis, kapulaga, pekak, sereh, jahe & lengkuas dng air sampai bumbu meresap & daging empuk. Angkat daging, tiriskan lalu potong2 dadu berukuran ± 1½ cm. Buang bumbu2 & tulang. Simpan 1½ liter kaldunya.
  • Larutkan 1 asam, gula jawa & garam secukupnya dengan 1 cup air. Remas2 daging dengan larutan tersebut. Biarkan minimal 1 jam. Goreng daging di minyak panas hingga kecokelatan. Angkat & sisihkan.
  • Tumis bumbu halus & salam dengan minyak hingga harum. Beri mentega, aduk hingga mentega leleh.
  • Masukkan bumbu halus, 1 asam, daun jeruk, kelapa halus & belimbing wuluh ke dalam kaldu. Masak hingga rasa menyatu. Beri santan, susu, daging & garam secukupnya sambil sesekali diaduk hingga mendidih. Angkat.
  • Susun kentang goreng, tomat & daun bawang di mangkuk2 saji, beri daging & kuahnya. Taburi bawang goreng. Hidangkan dengan sambal, emping & irisan jeruk nipis.

  • ½ kg Beef+½ kg Offal (1 kg Beef), 2 litre Water
  • 2 tbsp grated Coconut-roast & then grind, Oil
  • ½ kg Beef soup bones1 tbsp Butter, 2 cm Ginger
  • 3 Potatoes-sliced & then fry, 4 Kaffir lime leaves
  • 4 cm Galangal & 2 stalks Lemongrass-bruised
  • 1 Star anise, 10 cm Cinnamon, 2 Tamarind pulp
  • 1 tbsp sweet Soy sauce, 250 ml Coconut milk
  • 250 ml Milk, 2 Green onions & 2 Tomato-sliced
  • 3 Bay leaves, 2 Bilimbi fruit-halved (optional)
  • 3 tsp Palm sugar, 1 Cardamom pods, Salt
Grind into a paste:
  • ½ tsp Cumin+8 Candlenuts+1 tsp Coriander-roast
  • 2 tsp Peppercorns-roast, 2 tsp Palm sugar
  • 2 Red chilies4 Garlic cloves, 2 cm Turmeric
  • 1 tsp Nutmeg, 8 Shallots
  • Melinjo oats cracker, Lime juice
  • Chili paste, fried Onion

  • Cut beef (& offal) into big chunks. Cook bones, beef (& offal), cinnamon, cardamom, star anise, lemongrass, ginger & galangal until the flavor blended & the meat tender. Remove the meat from broth; drain & then slice it into ~ 1½ cm dice. Save 1½ liter of the broth. Discard bones, herbs & dry spices.
  • Dissolve 1 tamarind pulp, palm sugar & enough salt in 1 cup of water. Squeeze the meat with this mixture. Let them stand for minimum 1 hour. Fry meat in hot oil until it becomes a bit brown. Remove from the oil, drain & set it aside.
  • Sauté spices paste & bay leaves with little oil until fragrant. Add in butter; stir until it melts.
  • Put spices paste mixture, 1 tamarind pulp, kaffir lime leaves, ground coconut & bilimbi fruit into the broth pot. Cook until the flavor blended. Add in coconut milk, milk, meat & enough salt to taste. Bring it to a simmer; stir occasionally. Remove from the heat.
  • Place fried potatoes, tomato slices & green onions in serving bowls. Pour over the soup & meat. Sprinkle with fried onions. Serve soup with the complements.

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