

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Ayam Tandoori (Tandoori Murgh-Tandoori Chicken)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 6 Paha atas-bawah ayam tanpa kulit, 1 Lemon, 2 sm Garam
  • 2 Wortel-iris dadu besar, 6 sm Yoghurt, 1 sm Chaat masala
  • 8 Bawang putih & 8 cm Jahe-haluskan, 1½ st Garam masala
  • 3 sm Minyak sayur2 st Pewarna merah+air utk melarutkan
  • 2 sm Cabai bubuk, 1 st Kunyit bubuk, 1 st Ketumbar bubuk
  • 2 st Klabet bubuk, 1½ st Lada bubuk, 1 sm Jintan bubuk
  • 1½ Bawang bombay besar-potong

Cara membuat
  • Kerat2 ayam secara diagonal di baian daging tertebalnya. Campur 1 sm cabai bbk, 1 sm garam & ½ air lemon. Lumuri ayam sampai ke bagian dlm keratannya dng bumbu, diamkan 20 mnt.
  • Aduk rata yoghurt, baw.pth, jahe, 1½ st cabai bbk, 1 sm garam, lada, klabet, kunyit, garam masala, jintan, ketumbar, ¼ air lemon, pewarna. Mskkan ayam, aduk2. Diamkan 20 mnt. Tuangi minyak sayur, aduk lagi.
  • Pnskan oven 200-230° C. Letakkan wortel & 1 bombay di dasar loyang, ltkkan ayam di atasnya. Panggang 25-35 mnt. Klrkan dari oven, ltkkan ayam di atas alat grill, taburi sedikit chaat masala, irisan ½ bombay, sisa air lemon & cabai bbk, bakar sebentar.
  • Hidangkan Ayam Tandoori dng roti Naan, nasi hangat atau Nasi Curry India.

  • 6 skinless Chicken thighs, 6 tbsp plain Yoghurt, 2 tbsp Salt
  • 2 tbsp Chili powder, 1 tsp Turmeric powder, 1½ Onion-sliced
  • 1 tbsp Chaat masala, 2 Carrots-sliced, 3 tbsp Vegetable oil
  • 8 Garlic cloves & 8 cm Ginger-grind, 1½ tsp ground Pepper
  • 1 tsp ground Coriander, 1 Lemon, 1½ tsp Garam masala
  • 2 tsp Fenugreek leaves powder, 1 tbsp ground Cumin
  • 2 tsp red Food coloring-dissolved in water

  • Make deep diagonal slashes in the chicken thickest part. Mix 1 tbsp chili powder, 1 tbsp salt & ½ of the lemon juice. Rub the chicken (including in the openings) with the mixture, let it stand for 20 minutes.
  • Combine yoghurt, ¼ of the lemon juice, garlic, ginger, 1½ tsp chili powder, 1 tbsp salt, fenugreek pwd, pepper, turmeric, coriander, garam masala, cumin, food coloring. Stir in the chicken; let it stand for 20 minutes.
  • Preheat oven to 200-230° C. Pour the vegetable oil into the chicken mixture di ayam, combine well. Put the carrot & 1 cut onion into a baking dish. Place the chicken above & bake for 25-35 minutes. Remove chicken from the oven & place them over a grill. Sprinkle with chaat masala, ¼ of the lemon juice, the rest of cut onion & chili powder. Grill for awhile.
  • Serve the Tandoori Chicken with naan (flat bread), warm steamed rice or Indian Curry Rice. 

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