

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Brongkos Daging (Javanese Dark Beef Stew with Coconut Milk)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • ½ kg Daging tetelan-potong, 5 Daun jeruk, 5 Kluwak
  • ½ kg Kacang tolo-rebus, 400 ml Santan, 300 ml Air
  • 1 Labu siam-potong dadu, 1 genggam Kerecek
  • 2 Tahu-potong dadu kecil & goreng ½ kering
  • 2 cm Lengkuas & 2 Sereh-geprek, 50 gr Rawit
  • 3 rimpang kecil Jahe merah/sunti-geprek (opsional)
  • 2 Daun salam, 2 cm Jahe-geprek
  • 10 Bawang merah, 7 Bawang putih2 st Garam
  • 2 sm Gula jawa5 cm Kencur, 1 sm Ketumbar
  • 2 cm Kunyit10 Kemiri, 4 Cabai merah

Cara membuat
  • Pecahkan kluwak, ambi isinya. Rendam dng air hangat hingga agak empuk, tiriskan kmd hlskan. Tumis bumbu halus di wajan. Mskkan kluwak, jahe sunti, jahe, lengkuas, sereh, dn jeruk. Aduk hingga harum
  • Masukkan air & santan, garam, daging, labu, rawit & kacang tolo. Kecilkan api ke sedang-kecil & tutup wajan, masak hingga daging matang. Aduk sesekali agar santan tak pecah sampai daging matang. Mskkan tahu & kerecek, masak hingga krecek empuk, kuah berkurang & mengental.

  • ½ kg Flanks meat-sliced, 5 Kaffir lime leaves, 300 ml Water
  • 1 handful of Skin crackers, ½ kg Black eyed peas-boil
  • 2 cm Ginger-bruised, 2 Tofus-diced & fried ½ cooked
  • 400 ml Coconut milk, 1 Chayote-diced, 5 Kluwak nuts
  • 2 Bay leaves, 2 cm Galangal & 2 Lemongrass-bruised
  • 50 gr Bird`s eye chilies (optional)
  • 3 small Red Ginger root-bruised (optional)
Grind into a paste:
  • 10 Shallots, 7 Garlic cloves2 tbsp Coconut sugar
  • 2 cm Turmeric, 1 tbsp Coriander, 2 tsp Salt
  • 4 Red chilies, 10 Candlenuts, 5 cm Lesser Galangal

  • Break the kluwak shells & take the nuts out. Soak it in warm water until it's soften. Drain & then grind the nuts. Sauté ground spices in a skillet. Add in kluwak, ginger, red ginger, galangal, lemongrass & lime leaves; keep on stirring until it's fragrant
  • Put in water, coconut milk, salt, meat, chayote, bird`s eye chilies & peas. Reduce the heat to medium-low & cover the skillet. Let it simmer until the meat cooked; stir occasionally. Put in tofu & skin crackers, cook until the crackers tender, the gravy reduce & thikens.

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