

Monday, January 16, 2012

Cap Cay Goreng (Fried Chop Suey)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 5 Bakso-iris, ½ Dada ayam-iris/200 gr Udang, 150 ml Kaldu
  • 2 Wortel+10 Buncis+100 gr Brokoli/Bunga kol-iris, 1 st Lada
  • 10 Caisim+3 Daun bawang+5 Daun kol-iris, 1 sm Minyak wijen
  • 10 Putren-iris serong, 50 gr Kapri-potong 2, 3 sm Mentega
  • 100 gr Bawang bombay-iris, 1 sm Saus tiram, 1 st Garam
  • 50 gr Jamur kuping-rendam air, 2 st Maizena+3 sm air
  • 3 Bawang putih & 1 cm Jahe-haluskan, 1 sm Kecap asin
  • 1 sm Angciu (opsional)

Cara membuat
  • Tumis bumbu halus & bombay dengan mentega hingga harum. Masukkan ayam & bakso, masak sambil diaduk2 sebentar. Aduk masuk wortel, putren, kapri, jamur & angciu. Masak sampai sayuran mulai layu.
  • Tuangi kaldu lalu beri saus tiram, kecap asin, garam, lada & sayuran lain, masak sampai sayuran layu. Masukkan larutan maizena & minyak wijen, masak sampai kuah mengental.
  • Klik pada link untuk melihat resep membuat Bakso Sapi.

  • 5 Meatballs-sliced, Chicken breast half-sliced/200 gr Shrimps
  • 3 Green onions+100 gr Onion+10 Babycorns-sliced, 1 tsp Salt
  • 2 Carrots+10 Beans+5 Cabbage leaves-sliced, 3 tbsp Butter
  • 10 Green mustard cabbage+100 gr Brocolli/Cauliflower-sliced
  • 50 gr Snow peas-halved, 3 Garlic cloves & 1 cm Ginger-grind
  • 50 gr Black fungus-soaked in water, 1 tbsp Oyster sauce
  • 2 tsp Corn starch+3 tbsp Water, 1 tbsp Sesame oil
  • 1 tbsp Soy sauce, 1 tsp Pepper150 ml Broth
  • 1 tbsp Chinese rice wine (optional)

  • Sauté ground spices & onion with butter until fragrant. Add in chicken & meatballs; keep stirring until it's cooked. Put in carrots, baby corn, snow peas, fungus & wine. Cook & stir until vegetables starts to wilt.
  • Pour in the broth & then add in oyster sauce, soy sauce, salt, pepper & other vegetables. Cook until the vegetables wilted & then whisk in corn starch mixture & sesame oil. Cook until the sauce thickens.
  • Click on the link for homemade Indonesian Beef Meatballs recipe.


  1. Menggiurkan..saya minta resepnya ya bu..tks

  2. Sangat Komplet bahannya & pasti terasa nikmat, bagi yang suka masakan manis pedas mungkin bisa di tambahkan cabe hijau & cabe rawit secukupnya, & kecapnya memakai kecap manis di beri gula merah secukupnya.
