

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Dadar Gulung Isi Vla Coklat (Chocolate Filled Crêpes)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

Bahan Isi:
  • 500 ml Susu, ½ st Garam, 125 gr Gula2 sm Coklat bubuk
  • 2¼ sm Maizena+2 sm Air, 2 Kuning telur-kocok, 1 sm Rum
  • 1 sm Mentega, 3 sm Kismis, 125 gr Coklat yang dark-sisir
  • 2 Apricot kering-iris2 (optional)
Bahan Dadar:
  • 220 gr Terigu, 450 ml Susu, 3 Telur, 1 sm Margarin
  • ½ st Vanili, ½ st Garam, 2 sm Coklat pasta (opsional)

Cara membuat
  • Isi: Didihkan susu, gula, coklat bubuk, coklat dark & garam. Ambil 4 sm adonan, campur dengan kuning telur, aduk. Tuang lagi ke adonan, beri mentega, didihkan, beri maizena, rum, kismis & apricot. Aduk hingga mengental. Angkat lalu dinginkan sambil diaduk sesekali. 
  • Dadar: Masukkan coklat pasta ke piping bag. Campur bahan2 dadar. Panaskan wajan, tuang adonan dadar, buat dadar tipis. Setlh permukaan atas dadar mengering, semprotkan coklat pasta membentuk 3 garis tipis panjang, balik dadar & masak lagi sebentar.
  • Isi setiap lembar dadar dengan 1 sm adonan isi lalu gulung sesuai selera.

Filling ingredients:
  • 500 ml Milk, ½ tsp Salt, 2 Egg yolks-beaten, 125 gr Sugar
  • 2¼ tbsp Corn starch+2 tbsp Water, 2 dried Apricots-sliced
  • 1 tbsp Butter, 3 tbsp Raisins, 2 tbsp Chocolate powder
  • 1 tbsp Rum, 125 gr dark Cooking Chocolate-sliced
Crêpes ingredients:
  • 220 gr Flour, 450 ml Milk, ½ tsp Vanilla extract½ tsp Salt
  • 3 Eggs1 tbsp Margarine, 2 tbsp Chocolate paste (optional)

  • Filling: Boil milk, sugar, chocolate powder, dark chocolate & salt. Take 4 tbsp of the mixture & mix it with egg yolks. Pour egg yolks mixture into the chocolate mixture. Add butter & boil again. Put in corn starch mixture, rum, raisins & apricot; stir until it's thicken. Remove from the heat & let it cool down; stir once in a while.
  • Crêpes: Put the chocolate paste into a piping bag. Mix well other crêpes ingredients. Preheat a crêpes/small pan; pour in the batter. Swirl/Spread the batter around the pan to make a crêpe. After the top surface rather dries, pipe 3 long diagonal stripes with the chocolate paste on top of the crêpe. Turn the crêpe over & cook just for awhile.
  • Put 1 tbsp of the filling on each crêpe & then roll/wrap the crêpes.

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