

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Nasi Uduk (Indonesian Scented Coconut Milk Rice)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 400 gr Beras, 400 ml Santan kental, 100-150 ml Air
  • 1 Sereh-geprek, 1 sm Kaldu bubuk, 5 cm Kayu manis
  • 4 Daun salam, 3 Daun jeruk, 2 Pandan, 4 Cengkeh
  • 1 st Pala bubuk, Minyak
  • 1 sm Ketumbar3 cm Lengkuas muda, 2 st Garam
  • 2 cm Jahe
Pelengkap: (klik pada link untuk melihat resep2nya)

Cara membuat
  • Nasi dapat dimasak secara diaron dulu lalu dikukus atau dengan rice cooker:
    • Dengan cara tradisional: Tumis bumbu halus hingga wangi. Masukkan santan & bahan2 lain kecuali beras & air. Didihkan di api sedang sambil sesekali diaduk. Masukkan beras & 100-150 ml air, aduk lalu kecilkan api. Masak sampai cairan terserap semua di beras (sampai kering), aduk sesekali saja. Pindahkan beras beserta semua bumbu & herbanya ke dalam kukusan yang telah dipanaskan terlebih dahulu. Tutup kukusan lalu kukus dengan api sedang hingga nasi matang (30-35 menit).
    • Dengan Rice cooker: Tumis bumbu halus hingga wangi. Angkat lalu aduk bumbu halus dengan santan. Masukkan beras, santan, air & semua bahan ke dalam rice cooker. Masak, setelah matang, langsung aduk2 nasi. Nasi akan matang setelah 15-20 menit. Cicipi, kalau nasi kurang pulen, tambah sedikit air, aduk & masak lagi sebentar). Buang daun2an, kayu manis, sereh & cengkeh.
  • Letakkan nasi di tengah2 piring saji. Susun hidangan pelengkap di sekeliling nasi uduk. Taburi nasi dengan bawang goreng & sajikan dengan sambal kemiri.

  • 400 gr raw Rice, 400 ml thick Coconut milk, 4 Cloves
  • 2 Pandan leaves, 4 Bay leaves, 3 Kaffir lime leaves
  • 1 tbsp Chicken broth powder, 100-150 ml Water
  • 1 tsp ground Nutmeg1 Lemongrass-bruised
  • 5 cm Cinnamon, Oil
Grind into a paste:
  • 2 cm Ginger, 3 cm young Galangal1 tbsp Coriander
  • 2 tsp Salt
Complements & side dishes: (click on the links for recipe)

  • You could cook the rice with a rice cooker or cook it in a traditional way (parboil & then steam it):
    • Traditional way: Sauté ground spices until fragrant. Add in coconut milk & the rest of main ingredients (with the exception of rice & water). Bring it to a boil over medium heat; stirring it occasionally. Put in the rice & 100-150 ml water; stir & then reduce the heat to low. Cook until the rice absorbs all of the liquid (it dries); stirring it only once in a while. Transfer the rice, including all herbs & seasoning into a preheated steamer. Cover the steamer & steam rice over medium heat until it's cooked (30-35 minutes)
    • With a Rice cooker: Sauté ground spices until fragrant. Mix this ground spices with coconut milk. Transfer rice, coconut milk, water & the rest of main ingredients into a rice cooker & cook. Rice will be cooked after 15-20 minutes. After it's cooked, fluff it up immediately. Taste, when the rice still a bit hard after cooking, put a bit more water; stir & then cooking it again.
  • Put steamed rice in the middle of serving plates. Place the complements & side dishes around the rice. Sprinkle fried shallots on top & serve it with candlenut chili paste.

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