

Monday, January 9, 2012

Telur Pindang (Marbled Herbal Eggs)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian) 

  • 6 Telur ayam, 3 st Garam, 2 Sereh-geprek, 1 Pekak
  • 20 Daun jambu biji (4 st Teh hitam), 3 Daun salam
  • 5 cm Kunyit & 5 cm Lengkuas-parut, 4 cm Kayu manis
  • 6 Bawang merah & 1 Bawang putih-haluskan, 1 lt Air
  • Kulit dari 6 bawang merah, 2 Kapulaga, 1 Cengkeh

Cara membuat
  • Rebus telur sampai matang. Angkat telur, siram dengan air dingin, diamkan sampai telur dingin. Ketok2 kulitnya dengan punggung sendok hingga retak, jangan dikupas.
  • Masukkan telur ke air, beri teh/daun jambu, kulit bawang & semua bahan lain. Masak dengan api kecil sampai air menguap & telur berwarna cokelat gelap. Angkat telur & kupas.

  • 6 Eggs, 3 Bay leaves, 3 st Salt1 lt Water, 1 Clove
  • 5 cm Turmeric & 5 cm Galangal-grated, 1 Star Anise
  • 6 Shallots & 1 Garlic clove-grind2 Cardamom pods
  • 20 Guava leaves (4 tsp Black tea), 4 cm Cinnamon
  • The skin from 6 Shallots, 2 Lemongrass-bruised

  • Boil eggs until they are cooked. Lift eggs out & place them in cold water. After the eggs cooled, crack the shells with the back of a spoon but don`t peel it.
  • Put back eggs into the water; add in guava leaves/tea, shallots skin & all ingredients. Boil again over low heat until almost all of the water has evaporated & the egg shells became dark brown. Drain eggs & peel the shell.

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