

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Semar Mendem (Sticky Rice Wrapped in Crêpes)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

Bahan Ketan:
  • 800 gr Ketan putih-rendam 2 jam & tiriskan, 3 Daun salam
  • 650 ml Santan, 2 Pandan, 3 st Garam, Air secukupnya
  • 2 Sereh-potong 3 & geprek
Bahan Isi:
  • 600 gr Ayam-rebus & suwir2,  Daun salam, 4 Daun jeruk
  • 200 ml Santan, 3½ sm Air asam, 2 sm Minyak
Haluskan utk Isi:
  • 5 Bawang merah, 3 Bawang putih, 2½ st Gula, 1½ st Garam
  • 1 sm Ketumbar, 3 Kemiri & 1 st Jintan-sangrai
Telur Dadar:
  • 8 Telur, 4 sm Terigu, 16 sm Santan/Susu cair, 1 st Garam

Cara membuat
  • Ketan: * Cara konvensional: Kukus ketan dng pandan ½ matang. Angkat. Rebus santan dengan salam, sereh & garam. Masukkan ketan, aroni di api kecil sambil diaduk hingga santan habis terhisap. Kukus hingga matang. * Dengan Rice Cooker: Masukkan semua bahan ketan, tambahi air secukupnya, masak. Aduk2, buang daun2 & sereh. Bila ketan belum masak, tambahkan lagi sedikit air & masak.
  • Isi: Tumis bumbu halus. Mskkan santan, ayam, salam, daun jeruk, air asam, masak hingga santan habis. Angkat dan buang daun2annya.
  • Telur Dadar: Aduk rata semua bahan, buat dadar tipis2 berukuran ± 20 cm.
  • Taruh ketan setebal 1 cm di loyang persegi/cetakan, ratakan. Taruh isian di atasnya, tutup dng ketan setebal 1 cm lagi. Padatkan & potong sesuai selera. Ulang prosedur sampai ketan habis (jadi ± 30 bh). Bungkus setiap potongan ketan isi dengan dadar.

Sticky rice ingredients:
  • 800 gr Sticky Rice, 650 ml Coconut milk, 3 Bay leaves
  • 2 Pandan leaves, 2 Lemongrass-cut into 3 & bruised
  • 3 tsp Salt, enough Water
Stuffing ingredients:
  • 600 gr Chicken-boiled & shredded, 4 Kaffir lime leaves
  • 200 ml Coconut milk, ½ tbsp Tamarind juice, 3 Bay leaves
  • 2 tbsp frying Oil
Grind into a paste:
  • 5 Shallots, 1 tbsp Coriander, 3 Garlic cloves, 1½ tsp Salt
  • 3 Candle nuts & 1 tsp Cumin-toasted, 2½ tsp Sugar
Wrapper ingredients:
  • 8 Eggs, 4 tbsp Flour, 1 tsp Salt, 16 tbsp Milk/Coconut milk

  • Sticky Rice: Soaked rice for 2 hours; then drained them. You can cook the rice in a conventional way or with a rice cooker. * Conventional: Steam the rice & pandan until half cooked. Set aside. Boil coconut milk with the bay leaves, lemongrass & salt. Reduce the heat to low; add in sticky rice; stirring constantly until the liquid sucked out by the rice. Steam the rice until it cooked. * With Rice Cooker: Put all of the sticky rice ingredients into a rice cooker; add enough water & cook it. Stir the rice well; discard all leaves & lemongrass. If the sticky rice has not been really cooked, add little bit water & cook again for a while.
  • Stuffing ingredients: Sauté the spices paste. Stir in coconut milk, chicken, bay leaves, lime leaves & tamarind juice. Cook until the coconut milk runs out. Discard all leaves.
  • Wrapper: Mix well all wrapper ingredients; make thin omelettes (diameter ~ 20 cm).
  • Place & press sticky rice as thick as 1 cm in a square baking dish (mold). Put chicken evenly above the rice, place rice as thick as 1 cm again on top. Press evenly. Cut into several pieces. Repeat the procedure for the remaining ingredients (for ~ 30 pieces). Wrap stacked sticky rice with the omelettes.

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