

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Ayam Betutu Bali (Balinese Stuffed Roast Chicken)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 1½ kg Ayam utuh, 1 Jeruk nipis, 5 sm Minyak sayur, Garam
  • 2 Sereh-cincang halus bagian putihnya, 2 st Kencur cincang
  • 100 gr Daun singkong-rebus lalu iris2, 2 st Jahe cincang
  • 2 cm Lengkuas muda-parut, 4 Daun jeruk-iris halus
  • 2-3 Daun pisang
  • 12 Bawang merah, 6 Bawang putih, 3 cm Kunyit, 2 st Garam
  • 8 Cabai merah, 6 Rawit, 7 Kemiri & 1 sm Ketumbar-sangrai
  • 1 st Kaldu bubuk, 1 st Terasi, 2 st Lada, 1 st Pala bubuk
  • 2 st Gula merah

Cara membuat
  • Lumuri ayam dng nipis & garam, diamkan 15 mnt. Tumis bumbu hls, sereh, lengkuas, kencur & jahe. Bagi bumbu tumis menjadi dua, ½ campur dng daun singkong & daun jeruk. ½ lagi lumurkan pada bagian luar ayam & di bawah kulit. Masukkan daun singkong ke rongga ayam. Jahit lubang ayam, ikat kaki dng benang (opsional). Bungkus rapat ayam dengan beberapa daun pisang, lalu ikat.
  • Kukus ayam 30 menit kemudian panggang 160°C selama ± 1½ (hingga matang). Buka daun pisang, panggang hingga kecoklatan.
  • Belah ayam menjadi 2. Sajikan beserta isinya dengan nasi hangat dan Sambal Matah (klik pada link untuk melihat resepnya).

  • 1½ kg whole Chicken, 2 cm young Galangal-grated, 1 Lime
  • 100 gr Cassava leaves-boiled & then thinly sliced, Salt
  • 4 Kaffir lime leaves-thinly sliced, 5 tbsp Vegetable oil
  • 2 tsp chopped Lesser Galangal, 2 tsp chopped Ginger
  • 2 Lemongrass-finely chopped the white part
  • 2-3 Banana leaves
Grind into a paste:
  • 3 cm Turmeric, 12 Shallots, 6 Garlic cloves, 2 tsp Pepper
  • 1 tsp Chicken broth powder, 2 tsp Salt, 1 tbsp Coriander
  • 8 Red chilies, 6 Bird`s eye chilies, 1 tsp ground Nutmeg
  • 7 Candlenuts, 2 tsp Coconut/Palm sugar, 1 st Shrimp paste

  • Smear chicken with lime juice & salt; let it stand for 15 minutes. Sauté the spices paste, lemongrass, lesser galangal, ginger, galangal & turmeric. Divide sautéed spices into 2 parts. Mix 1 part with sliced cassava leaves & kaffir lime leaves. Smear the other part on the chicken (incld. under the skin). Spoon the cassava leaves mixture into the chicken cavity. Close the opening by sewing & then tie the chicken legs together with cotton thread (optional step). Wrap chicken neatly with banana leaves & then tie it tightly.
  • Steam the chicken for ~ 30 minutes & then roast it at 160°C for ~ 1½ hours (until it's cooked). Uncover the chicken & roast/grill it again until golden brown.
  • Halve the chicken. Serve the chicken & cassava leaves with warm rice & Balinese Spicy Lemongrass & Shallot Relish (click on the link for the recipe).

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