

Friday, February 17, 2012

Herb Stuffed Roast Chicken

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 1 Ayam utuh (2 kg), 1 Jeruk nipis, 2 st Olive oil, Garam
  • 1 st Bawang putih bubuk, 1 st Rosemary, Lada bubuk
  • 400 ml Air, 4 Bawang merah-cincang, Mentega-cairkan
Bahan Isi:
  • 1 Bawang bombay-cincang, ½ st Thyme, 1½ st Garam
  • 1 st Lada hitam bubuk, 25 gr Mentaga, 200 gr Panir
  • 1½ st Rosemary, 150 ml Susu, 1 sm Olive oil, 1 Telur
  • 2½ sm Mixed herbs, 2 Bawang putih-haluskan
Bahan Saus daging:
  • 25 gr Mentega, 2 sm Terigu, 100 gr Jamur-iris
  • 200 ml Kaldu ayam, ½ st Garam, 1 st Lada hitam
  • 150 ml Air dari panggangan, 50 ml White wine
  • 1 Seledri, 1 st Mixed herbs

Cara membuat
  • Lumuri ayam dng air nipis, rosemary, baw. putih bubuk, lada, garam. Diamkan 15 mnt.
  • Isi: Pnskan mentega+olive oil dng pns sdng. Tumis bawang pth & bombay. Angkat dari api, mskkan panir, herbs, rosemary, telur, garam, lada & susu (agar adonan lembab). Uleni sampai adonan tercampur rata.
  • Mskkan bhn isi ke lubang ayam. Jahit & ikat kaki ayam dng benang. Lumuri mentega.
  • Pnskan oven 220°C. Taruh ayam dng posisi dada menghdp ke bawah, pada rak panggang yg ditaruh di atas sebuah loyang (tempatkan loyang di bwh rak panggang). Tuang 400 ml air & mskkan baw.mrh cincang ke dlm loyang. (Prosedur ini akan menjaga kelembaban ayam & dapat menampung air yg menetes saat memanggang yg nanti akan digunakan utk membuat saus daging). Panggang ayam 30 mnt. Balikkan posisi ayam (dada menghadap ke atas), lumuri dng olive oil. Kurangi panas oven ke 150°C & panggang ayam 1½ jam, siram ayam tiap 20 mnt dng air dari loyang. Balik lagi posisi ayam, panggang 10 mnt.
  • Saus: Lelehkan mentega dng api sedang. Mskkan jamur, masak sampai matang. Sisihkan. Campur kaldu dng terigu, aduk. Tuangkan ke pan dng api sedang. Masukkan batang seledri, air yg berasal dari loyang panggang ayam, wine, mixed herbs, garam & lada htm. Mskkan jamur, aduk sampai saus hls & mengental. Buang seledri dari saus. Hidangkan ayam dengan sausnya.

  • 1 Whole Chicken (2 kg), 4 Shallots-chopped, 1 Lime
  • 2 tsp Olive oil, Butter-melted, ground Pepper, Salt
  • 1 tsp Garlic powder, 1 tsp Rosemary, 400 ml Water
  • 1½ tsp Rosemary, 1 tsp ground Black Pepper, 1 Egg
  • 1 Onion-finely chopped, 25 gr Butter150 ml Milk
  • 2 Garlic cloves-grind, ½ tsp Thyme, 1 tbsp Olive oil
  • 200 gr Breadcrumbs, 2½ tbsp Mixed herbs, 1½ tsp Salt
  • 2 tbsp Flour, 200 ml Chicken broth, 1 tsp Mixed Herbs
  • 50 ml White Wine, 150 ml Drippings from roasting
  • ½ tsp Salt, 25 gr Butter, 100 gr Mushrooms-sliced
  • 1 tsp Black Peppercorns, 1 Celery rib

  • Rub the chicken with lime juice, rosemary, garlic pwd, pepper, salt. Let it stand for 15 min.
  • Stuffing: Heat the butter & oil over moderate heat. Sauté the onion & garlic. Remove from the heat, put in breadcrumbs, herbs, rosemary, egg, salt, pepper & milk (to make it moist). Knead to bind the mixture together.
  • Fill up the stuffing into chicken cavity neatly. Close by sewing & tie the legs together with cotton string. Rub chicken with butter.
  • Preheat oven to 220°C. Chop shallots. Place the chicken, breast side down, on a rack in a roasting tin/baking dish (place the dish under the rack). Pour 400 ml water & put shallots into the tin/dish. (This procedure will keep the chicken moist, collect the juices that drip down during cooking & can be used for making the gravy). Roast the chicken for 30 min. Turn the chicken over (breast side up); rub it with olive oil. Reduce oven temperature to 150°C & roast the chicken for 1½ hours, basting every 20 min with drippings. Turn the chicken over, roast 10 min.
  • Gravy: Melt the butter in a saucepan over medium heat. Put in the mushrooms & cook; stir until the mushroom begun to brown. Set aside. Mix well the chicken broth with the flour & then pour it into a saucepan over a moderate heat. Add in the celery stalk, drippings from roasting, mixed herbs, wine, salt & black pepper. Put in the mushrooms, stir until the gravy smooth & thicken. Remove celery stalk from the sauce. Serve the chicken with the gravy.

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