

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Serundeng Daging (Fried Spicy Meat with Grated Coconut)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • ½ kg Daging sapi-potong 3X5 cm, 3 Daun salam, 3 sm Minyak
  • 80 gr Kelapa parut-sangrai sampai cokelat, 250 ml Air kelapa
  • 2 cm Lengkuas-parut, 250 gr Gula jawa-sisir, 8 Daun jeruk
  • 2 sm Air asam2 Sereh-geprek
  • 1 sm Ketumbar, 10 Bawang merah, 6 Bawang putih
  • 1 st Jintan, 3 cm Kencur2½ st Garam, 2 cm Jahe
  • 2 st Gula, 1 st Lada, 4 Cabai merah

Cara membuat
  • Rebus daging hingga empuk. Sisihkan. Tumis bumbu halus, masukkan daging, daun salam, lengkuas, daun jeruk, sereh, air asam, gula jawa & air kelapa.
  • Masak dengan api sedang-tinggi sambil sekali2 diaduk sampai air tinggal 1/3 nya. Kecilkan api ke medium-kecil, masukkan kelapa. Aduk rata hingga semua kering.

  • ½ kg Beef-sliced into 3X5 cm chunks, 2 cm Galangal-grated
  • 80 gr grated Coconut meat-roasted, 8 Kaffir lime leaves
  • 3 Bay leaves, 2 Lemongrass-bruised, 250 ml Coconut juice
  • 50 gr Coconut sugar, 2 tbsp Tamarind juice, 3 tbsp Oil
Grind into paste:
  • 2 tsp Sugar, 1 tsp Pepper, 1 tsp Cumin, 6 Garlic cloves
  • 3 cm Lesser Galangal, 2½ tsp Salt, 1 tbsp Coriander
  • 10 Shallots, 2 cm Ginger, 4 Red Chilies

  • Boil beef until it`s tender. Sauté spices paste with oil; put in the beef, bay leaves, galangal, lime leaves, lemon grass, tamarind juice, coconut sugar & coconut juice.
  • Stir once in awhile until only 1/3 part of the juice left over medium-high heat. Reduce the heat to medium-low & add in roasted coconut. Cook & stir occasionally until the liquid absorbed & all dries.

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