

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Sate Padang (Padangnese Spicy Satay)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 500 gr Daging dan atau Lidah sapi, Bawang goreng
  • 5 Daun jeruk, 1 sm Tepung tapioka+1 st Maizena*
  • 2 cm Lengkuas & 1 Sereh-geprek, 3 Kemiri-giling
  • 25 gr Tepung beras, 2 st Gula, 750 ml Air
  • 1 Daun kunyit (opsional)
  • 6 Bawang merah, 5 Bawang putih, 2 Cabai merah
  • 2 cm Jahe, 1 st Lada, 2 cm Kunyit, 1 cm Asam
  • ¾ st Bumbu kari bubuk, 1½ st Garam, 1 st Jintan
  • 1 sm Ketumbar, 2 Kapulaga, 10 Cabai keriting**

Cara membuat
  • Kalau menggunakan lidah: rebus lidah di air mendidih 15 menit lalu kerik & cuci. Potobg2 daging/lidah berukuran 1x2x1 cm, sisihkan.
  • Tumis bumbu halus. Angkat ½ bag. bumbu untuk membuat saus. Masukan daging/lidah, lengkuas, daun jeruk, daun kunyit, sereh, gula & air. Aduk rata & rebus sampai daging empuk. Angkat & tiriskan daging. Simpan 500 ml kaldu rebusan. Tusukkan 4 iris daging/lidah di tusukan sate kemudian dibakar sampai kecokelatan di kedua sisinya.
  • Saus: Campur sisa bumbu halus dengan kemiri & kaldu sisa merebus daging, didihkan, kentalkan dengan tepung beras & tapioka. Siram saus di atas sate. Taburi bawang goreng. Hidangkan dengan ketupat/lontong (klik pada link untuk melihat resep Lontong).
  • * Dapat digantikan dengan 1 sm Tepung sagu. ** Dapat dikurangi bila tidak suka terlalu pedas.

  • 500 gr Beef & or Ox Tongue, 3 Candlenuts-grind
  • 5 Kaffir lime leaves, 750 ml Water, 2 tsp Sugar
  • 1 tbsp Tapioca flour+1 tsp Cornstarch*-combine
  • 2 cm Galangal & 1 Lemongrass-bruised
  • 25 gr Rice flour, fried Shallots/Onions
  • 1 stalks Turmeric leaf-knotted (optional)
Grind into a paste:
  • 2 cm Ginger, 2 Red chilies, 2 Cardamom pods
  • ¾ tsp Curry powder, 1 tsp Cumin6 Shallots
  • 1 tbsp Coriander, 1 tsp Pepper, 1½ tsp Salt
  • 5 Garlic cloves10 Cayenne peppers**
  • 2 cm Turmeric, 1 cm Tamarind

  • If you`re using Ox tongue: cook tongue in boiling water for 15 minutes. Then culprit & wash it. Cut the beef & tongue into 1x2x1 cm chunks; set it aside.
  • Sauté the spices paste with frying oil. Take out ½ part of it for making the sauce. Put in the meat, galangal, lemongrass, lime leaves, turmeric leaf, sugar & water. Simmer until the meat tender. Lift meat & drain. Save 500 ml of the broth. Thread 4 pieces of the chunks into each skewer. Grilled satay until lightly brown on both sides.
  • Sauce: Mix the rest of sautéed spices with broth & candlenuts. Bring to a simmer. Thicken the sauce with tapioca flour & cornstarch. Pour the sauce over satay, sprinkle with fried shallots. Serve the satay with rice cake (click on the link to see Rolled & Compressed Rice Cake recipe).
  • * Can be substitute with 1 tbsp Sago Flour. ** Can be reduced when you don`t want it to be really spicy.

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