

Friday, February 24, 2012

Sayur Labu Siam (Chayote Stew)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 250 gr Labu siam-iris korek api, 6 Kacang panjang-iris
  • 200 gr Daging tetelan-potong (opsional)2 Daun jeruk
  • 300 ml Santan kental, 2 st Kaldu bubuk, 300 ml Air
  • 1 Sereh & 2 cm Lengkuas-geprek, 1 sm Air asam
  • 3 Cabai hijau/merah-iris, 2 Daun salam2 st Gula
  • 3 Cabai merah, 2 cm Kunyit, 2 Bawang putih, 2 Kemiri
  • 6 Bawang merah½ st Lada, 1 cm Jahe, 1½ st Garam

Cara membuat
  • Campur & remas2 labu siam dengan sedikit garam hingga layu. Bilas dengan air, tiriskan.
  • Tumis bumbu halus & cabai iris. Beri lengkuas, sereh, air asam, daun jeruk & salam, aduk rata.
  • Tuang air, santan, gula & daging. Masak hingga mendidih lalu kecilkan api ke sedang.
  • Masukkan labu siam & kacang panjang. Masak & aduk sesekali hingga matang. 
  • Sajikan bersama nasi hangat atau Lontong (klik pada link utk resepnya).

  • 250 gr Chayote-shreddedtsp Chicken broth powder
  • 6 Long beans & Chilies-slicedKaffir lime leaves
  • Lemongrass & 2 cm Galangal-bruisedBay Leaves
  • 2 tsp Sugar300 ml Water, 1 tbsp Tamarind juice
  • 200 gr Flank steak-sliced (optional)300 ml Coconut milk
Grind into a paste:
  • 2 Garlic cloves, 3 Red Chilies, 1 cm Ginger1½ tsp Salt
  • Candlenuts, ½ tsp Pepper, 6 Shallots2 cm Turmeric

  • Squeeze chayote with a bit salt to wither. Rinse, drain & set it aside.
  • Sauté the spices paste & sliced chilies. Add in galangal, lemongrass, tamarind juice, bay leaves & kaffir lime leaves. Stir it well.
  • Put in water, coconut milk, sugar & the meat. Bring it to a boil & then reduce the heat to medium.
  • Put in chayote & long beans. Let it simmer until all are cooked; stir occasionally.
  • Serve the stew with steamed rice or Rolled & Compressed Rice Cake (click on the link for the recipe).

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