

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Kering Tempe (Sweet & Spicy Deep Fried Tempeh)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 2 Sereh & 2 cm Lengkuas-geprek½ st Ketumbar
  • 5 sm Gula, 3 Daun salam, 2 sm Gula jawa, Minyak
  • 5 st Air asam, ½ st Kaldu bubuk, 100 ml Air
  • 3 Bawang putih, 1 st Garam, ½ cm Jahe
  • 1 Cabai keriting (opsional)
Goreng kering-terpisah:
  • 500 gram Tempe-iris kecil2, 250 gr Kacang tanah
  • 5 Cabai merah & 10 Bawang merah-iris tipis

Cara membuat
  • Tumis bumbu halus, sereh, lengkuas & daun salam dng 2 sm minyak. Mskkan gula jawa, gula, ketumbar, air asam, kaldu & air. Aduk terus hingga saus gula kental & berambut. Angkat dari api & biarkan hingga mencapai suhu ruang.
  • Masukkan tempe, baw.mrh, kacang & cabai goreng, aduk hingga semua tersaput saus gula.
  • Kering tempe dapat di sajikan sbg hidangan pelengkap, misalnya dari (klik pada link untuk melihat resep2nya): Nasi Kuning-Tumpeng Kuning, Nasi UdukNasi Ulam & Lontong Sayur Medan.

  • 2 cm Galangal & 2 Lemongrass-bruised, 3 Bay leaves
  • 5 tbsp Sugar, ½ tsp Broth powder, 100 ml Water
  • 5 tsp Tamarind juice, 2 tbsp Coconut/Palm sugar
  • ½ tsp Coriander powder, frying Oil
Grind into a paste:
  • 1 tsp Salt, 3 Garlic cloves, ½ cm Ginger
  • 1 Cayenne pepper (optional)
Deep fried-Separately:
  • 10 Shallots-thinly sliced, 250 gr Peanuts
  • 500 gr Tempeh-small & thinly sliced
  • 5 Red chilies-thinly sliced

  • Sauté the spices paste, lemongrass, galangal & bay leaves with 2 tbsp frying oil. Add in brown sugar, sugar, coriander, tamarind juice, broth, salt & water. Stir constantly & cook until the sauce thicken. Remove from the heat & let it stand until it reach room temperature.
  • Put in deep fried tempeh, peanuts, shallots & chilies. Stir until the sauce cover it all.
  • You may serve the sweet & spicy deep fried tempeh as complement, i.e. for (click on the links to see the recipe): Indonesian Yellow Rice, Indonesian Scented Coconut Milk RiceHerbs & Rice Salad & Vegetables in Coconut Broth Medan Style

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