

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Spaghetti Bolognese

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 500 gr Spaghetti, 250 gr Daging cincang, 1 st Kecap inggris
  • 240 ml Susu/Krim, 100 ml Kaldu sapi, 2 st Lada hitam bubuk
  • 1½ lt Air+2 sm Garam, ½ Bawang bombay-cincang, 2 st Garam
  • 1 st Oregano kering/2 st Oregano segar, 1 sm Daun basil-iris
  • 2 Bawang putih-haluskan2 st Gula merah, 100 gr Bacon-iris
  • 3 sm Olive oil, 5 Tomat-rebus-kupas-potong2, Keju parmesan
  • 100 gr Jamur-iris, 2 sm Tomat pasta, 1 Seledri-cincang halus
  • ½ Wortel-parut, 3½ sm Mentega, 2 Daun salam, 3 sm Red Wine

Cara membuat
  • Tumis bawang putih & bombay dengan olive oil & mentega. Beri wortel, seledri, jamur, oregano, salam, lada, garam. Aduk rata. Masukkan daging2, tumis sampai daging berubah warna.
  • Tuangi red wine, masak sampai cairan terserap oleh daging. Beri susu, kaldu, tomat pasta, gula merah, tomat & kecap inggris. Masak sampai tomat lembut & saus mengental (± 30 menit)
  • Rebus spaghetti di air mendidih yang sudah digarami sampai matang. Angkat & tiriskan.
  • Hidangkan spaghetti di piring saji, beri saus daging, taburi keju parmesan & daun basil.

  • 500 gr Spaghetti, 100 ml Beef broth, 250 gr ground Beef
  • 100 gr Bacon-sliced, 2 tsp Brown sugar 1 tbsp Basil-minced
  • 3½ tbsp Butter, 1 Celery rib-thinly sliced, ½ Onion-chopped
  • 2 Garlic cloves-grind, 2 tsp Black pepper3 tbsp Olive oil
  • 1 tsp Worcestershire sauce, 3 tbsp Red wine, 2 tsp Salt
  • 240 ml Milk/light Cream, ½ Carrot-grated, 2 Bay leaves
  • 1 tsp dried Oregano (2 tsp fresh)2 tbsp Tomato paste
  • 5 Tomatoes-boiled-peeled-slicedgrated Parmesan
  • 100 gr Mushrooms-sliced, 1½ lt Water+2 tbsp Salt

  • Sauté garlic & onion with olive oil & butter. Stir in carrot, celery, mushrooms, oregano, bay leaves, pepper & salt. Put in meat & bacon; cook until the beef color changed. Pour in red wine; cook until the wine evaporate. Pour in milk/cream, broth, tomato paste, brown sugar, tomatoes & Worcestershire sauce. Cook until the tomato smooth & the sauce thickens (~ 30 minutes).
  • Boil Spaghetti in salted boiling water until al dente. Remove from the heat & drain.
  • Place spaghetti in serving plates. Pour the meat sauce over; sprinkle grated parmesan & basil leaves.

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