

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Daging Masak Lokio (Spicy Beef with Chives Stew)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 500 gr Daging sapi-iris tipis15 Rawit-potong 22 st Lada
  • 12 Lokio+2 Cabai keriting+2 Daun bawang-iris1 Daun salam
  • 1 sm Saus tiram, 1 sm Minyak wijen1 st GaramMinyak
  • 5 Bawang merah & 3 Bawang putih-haluskan½ st Gula
  • 2 cm Jahe-cincang, 1 Sereh-geprek, 4 sm Kecap manis
  • 250 ml Air+1 st Kaldu bubuk, 3 sm Kecap asin

Cara membuat
  • Tumis bumbu halus, salam, sereh & jahe. Masukkan daging, masak hingga berubah warna.
  • Beri cabai2, kecap2, minyak wijen, saus tiram, garam, lada & gula. Aduk rata.
  • Tuangi air sedikit2, masak hingga matang & air berkurang. Beri daun bawang & lokio, aduk2.

  • 500 gr Beef-thinly sliced, 2 tsp Pepper, ½ tsp Sugar
  • Cayenne peppers+2 Green onions & 12 Chives-sliced
  • 15 Bird's eye chilies-halved, 4 tbsp Sweet soy sauce
  • 1 tbsp Oyster sauce, 1 tbsp Sesame oil1 tsp Salt
  • 5 Shallots & 3 garlic cloves-grind3 tbsp Soy sauce
  • 2 cm Ginger-minced, 1 Lemongrass-bruised, frying Oil
  • 250 ml Water+1 tsp Beef broth powder, 1 Bay leaf

  • Sauté ground spices, bay leaf, lemon grass & ginger. Put in the beef; cook until the beef colour change.
  • Put in chilies, soy sauces, sesame oil, oyster sauce, salt, pepper & sugar.
  • Stir in water-broth powder mixture a little at a time; simmer until the meat cooked & the sauce reduce. Add in green onions & chives, cook for awhile.

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