

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Daging Goreng Tepung Saus Bawang (Fried Meat with Garlic-Onion Sauce)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 250 gr Daging-iris tipis2, ½ st Garam1½ st Cabai bubuk
  • ¼ st Jahe bubuk, ½ st Bawang putih bubukMinyak goreng 
  • ½ st Lada bubuk
Bahan Pelapis: campur rata
  • ½ st Ketumbar, ¼ st Garam60 gr Terigu, 6 gr Maizena
  • ¼ st Baking powder, ¼ st Kaldu bubuk, 1 st Lada
Bahan Saus:
  • 2 sm Mentega2 sm Kecap manis, 2 Bawang putih-cincang
  • 2 Cabai merah & ½ Bawang bombay-iris½ sm Saus tiram
  • 1½ st Tomat pasta, 1 sm Kecap inggris, ½ st Lada bubuk
  • ½ st Maizena+1 sm Air, 2 st Kecap asin, 70 ml Air

Cara membuat
  • Remas2 daging dengan bawang putih bubuk, jahe bubuk, cabai bubuk, lada, garam. Diamkan 30 menit.
  • Lumuri daging dengan bahan pelapis. Goreng di minyak panas dengan api sedang hingga kuning kecokelatan.
  • Saus: Tumis cabai, bawang putih & bombay hingga harum. Beri bahan saus lain (kecuali maizena), masak hingga mendidih. Tuangi larutan maizena, masak hingga mengental. Angkat.
  • Tuang saus di atas daging sesaat sebelum dihidangkan.

  • 250 gr Meat-thinly sliced, ½ tsp Garlic powder, ½ tsp Salt
  • ¼ tsp Ginger powder, ½ tsp ground Pepperfrying Oil
  • 1½ tsp Chili powder
Coating ingredients: combine all
  • 6 gr Cornstarch, 60 gr Flour½ tsp Coriander, ¼ tsp Salt
  • ¼ tsp Baking powder, ¼ tsp Broth powder 1 tsp Pepper
Sauce ingredients:
  • 2 Chilies & ½ Onion-sliced, 2 tsp Soy sauce, 2 tbsp Butter
  • ½ tbsp Oyster sauce, 70 ml Water, 1½ tsp Tomato paste
  • ½ tsp Corn starch+1 tbsp Water, 2 Garlic cloves-minced
  • 1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce, 2 tbsp sweet Soy sauce
  • ½ tsp ground Pepper

  • Season the meat with garlic powder, ginger powder, chili powder, pepper & salt; let it stand for 30 minutes.
  • Coat each sliced meat with coating mixture. Fry in hot oil over medium heat until golden brown. Set it aside.
  • Sauce: Sauté the chilies, garlic & onion until fragrant. Put in other sauce ingredients (with the exception of corn starch), bring it to a simmer. Add in corn starch mixture, cook until the sauce rather thick. Remove from the heat.
  • Pour the sauce over the meat right before serving.

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