

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Puding Coklat Maizena (Corn Starch Chocolate Pudding)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 130 gr Gula, 40 gr Maizena1½ st Rum, 1 Vanili
  • 120 ml Krim kental4 Kuning telur600 ml Susu
  • 100 gr Coklat masak Semisweet-cincang halus
  • 20 gr Mentega tawar-suhu ruang & potong2
  • 30 gr Coklat bubuk tawar1/8 st Garam
Penyajian alternative I:
  • Whipped cream, Cherry, Coklat serut
Penyajian alternative II: Dengan saus cherry asam
  • Whipped cream, Cherry asam, Gula, Maizena
  • Daun mint
Penyajian alternative III: Dengan saus Vla
  • 400 ml Susu, 3 Kuning telur, 70 gr Gula halus
  • 50 ml Krim, 25 gr Maizena, 1 sm Rum
  • Cherry asam, Coklat serut

Cara membuat
  • Aduk maizena dng gula, coklat bubuk, garam. Campur 120 ml susu dng kuning telur, kocok. Masukkan campuran susu ke coklat-gula, aduk rata. Sisihkan.
  • Panaskan 480 ml susu, krim kental & vanili. Didihkan & angkat dari api. Tuang susu ke adonan susu-coklat, aduk dng whisk hingga adonan halus/lembut.
  • Masukkan adonan dalam pan di atas api panas kecil-sedang. Masak & aduk terus sampai adonan lembut & mengental (± 4 menit). Saring dng saringan halus agar menghasilkan adonan yg tdk bergumpal. Mskkan coklat iris, rum & mentega. Aduk dengan spatula sampai adonan lembut.
  • Tuang ke dalam 6-8 mangkuk/gelas saji, ratakan permukaannya. Bila anda tdk menyukai kulit pada permukaan puding, pasang plastik wrap utk menutup permukaan mangkuk/gelas sampai puding dingin utk menghindari terbentuknya kulit. Bila menyukai kulit di permukaan puding, biarkan puding terbuka sampai dingin. Setlh puding dingin, tutup mangkuk/gelas saji dng plastik & dinginkan di kulkas selama minimal 3 jam. Dapat disimpan sampai 2 hari.
  • Ada beberapa alternative utk menyajikan puding:
    • Alternative I: Sajikan puding dng whipped cream & cherry asam, taburi coklat serut.
    • Alternative II: Membuat saus cherry asam: Didihkan air rendaman/juice cherry asam dari botol dng api sedang, beri sedikit maizena & gula. Masak & aduk hingga adonan mengental (berupa saus kental). Biarkan hingga saus dingin. Sajikan puding dng saus cherry asam & cherrynya, beri whipped cream & hias dng daun mint
    • Alternative III: Membuat saus Vla: Kocok kuning telur. Campur maizena dng ½ bagian susu, masukkan telur, aduk. Sisihkan. Didihkan sisa susu, krim & gula sambil diaduk hingga larut. Kecilkan api, tuangi larutan maizena-telur, aduk cepat hingga tercampur rata & mengental. Angkat, beri rum, aduk, sisihkan. Biarkan hingga Vla dingin. Sajikan puding dng saus Vla, beri cherry asam di sekitar puding lalu taburi coklat serut.

  • 130 gr Sugar, 1½ tsp Rum, 1 Vanilla pod, 1/8 tsp Salt
  • 40 gr Corn starch, 30 gr unsweetened Cocoa powder
  • 4 Egg yolks, 600 ml Milk, 120 ml Heavy Cream
  • 100 gr Semisweet chocolate-finely chopped
  • 20 gr unsalted Butter-room temperature
Serving alternatives I:
  • Whipped cream, Cherries, shaved Chocolate
Serving alternatives II: with Cherry Sauce
  • Whipped cream, sour Cherries, Sugar, Cornstarch
  • Mint leaves
Serving alternative III: with Custard sauce
  • 400 ml Milk, 70 gr Caster Sugar, 50 ml Cream
  • 25 gr Cornstarch, 3 Egg yolks, 1 tbsp Rum
  • Sour Cherries, shaved Chocolate

  • Combine cornstarch, sugar, cocoa powder & salt. Mix 120 ml milk & egg yolks well. Pour milk mixture into the cocoa-sugar; whisk to combine. Set aside.
  • Heat 480 ml milk, heavy cream & vanilla. Bring to a boil; remove from heat. Pour the milk into the milk-cocoa mixture, whisk constantly until the mixture is smooth.
  • Put the mixture into a saucepan. Cook over low-medium heat; stir constantly until the mixture smooth & rather thickens (~ 4 min). Strain the mixture into a bowl to remove any lumps that may have formed. Add in chopped chocolate, rum & butter. Stir with spatula until the mixture is smooth.
  • Pour into 6-8 bowls/ramekins, smooth the pudding surface gently. If you dislike pudding skin, press plastic wrap on top of the bowls/ramekins until cooled down to prevent a skin from forming. If you like pudding skin, leave the pudding uncovered. After the pudding cool down, cover the bowls/ramekins with plastic wrap & refrigerate for at least 3 hours & up to 2 days.
  • There are some alternatives to serve the pudding:
    • Alternative I: Serve pudding with whipped cream & sour cherries, sprinkle with shaved Chocolate.
    • Alternative II: Making the Sour Cherry sauce: Over medium heat, bring the cherry juice from the jar to a boil; add some corn starch & a pinch of sugar. Stir until the sauce thickens, to sauce consistency. Let it cool down. Serve pudding with whipped cream, sour cherry sauce & the sour cherries & then garnish it with mint leaves.
    • Alternative III: Making the Custard sauce: Whisk egg yolks. Mix corn starch with ½ part of the milk & then stir in egg yolks; set it aside. Boil remaining milk, cream & sugar. Stirring it constantly until the sugar dissolve. Reduce the heat; pour in the egg mixture. Stir quickly until it combine well & getting thicker. Remove from the heat. Stir in the rum & let it cool down. Serve pudding with custard sauce & sour cherries; sprinkle with shaved chocolate on top.

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