

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Almond Sponge Roll Cake with Blueberries

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 25 gr Terigu untuk cake, 35 gr Almond iris, 115 gr Gula
  • 2 Telur, 3 Kuning telur, 3 Putih telur, 125 gr Bluberry
  • 1 st Vanili, ¼ st Garam, 2 sm Gula tepung-untuk di lap
  • 150 ml Krim kocok dingin & 1 st Gula-untuk krim hias
  • Mentega-untuk mengoles loyang
Krim Blueberry:
  • 250 gr Keju Mascarpone50 gr Mentega-suhu ruang
  • 3 st Madu, 25 ml Susu70 ml selai Blueberry

Cara membuat
  • Sponge Cake: Sangrai almond sampai kecokelatan. Dinginkan & gerus sampai halus. Aduk dengan terigu. Panaskan oven 225°C. Letakkan rak di tengah. Olesi tepi loyang 40X30 cm dng mentega, alasi kertas perkamen, olesi dng mentega & taburi terigu. Kocok kuning telur, 2 telur & 100 gr gula dng mixer kecepatan tinggi sampai pucat & kental. Beri vanili lalu kocok. Ayak ½ dari campuran almond ke dalam adonan, aduk melipat2 perlahan dengan spatula. Ayak sisa almond, aduk melipat2 lagi lalu sisihkan. Kocok putih telur di mangkuk lain sampai berbusa. Beri garam, kocok lagi sampai ½ kaku. Tambahkan sisa gula, aduk hingga kaku. Masukkan putih telur ke adonan kuning telur sedikit2 & aduk dng spatula dng gerakan melipat2 sampai menyatu. Tuang adonan ke loyang, ratakan. Panggang ± 7 mnt (sampai kuning kecoklatan). Keluarkan dari oven, balikkan cake di atas serbet bersih yg sdh ditaburi dng 1 sm gula bubuk. Kupas kertas perkamen hati2. Jika kertas melekat erat di cake, ulasi bagian belakang kertas dng sedikit air hangat, diamkan bbrp saat lalu kupas kertas. Taburi permukaan cake yg sdh dikupas dng sisa gula bubuk, gulung cake, dng serbetnya selagi masih hangat & gampang dibentuk. Diamkan sampai cake mendingin.
  • Krim hias: Kocok krim sampai ½ kaku. Beri gula, kocok sampai kaku. Masukkan sebagian krim ke plastik segitiga berspuit bintang besar utk menghias.
  • Krim Blueberry: Kocok mascarpone & bahan lain dengan mixer sampai lembut.
  • Penyelesaian: Buka gulungan cake, oles permukaannya dengan krim blueberry. Susun buah2 blueberry di atas krim. Gulung lagi cake dengan hati2. Ltkkan cake dng posisi dibalik di piring saji, sisi lipatannya menghadap bawah. Tutupi & dinginkan di kulkas beberapa jam. Semir permukaan cake dng krim hias. Semprotkan sisa krim blueberry & krim hias dari plastik segitiga di atas cake membtk bunga2. Taruh sisa buah bluberry di atas bunga2.

  • 25 gr Cake flour, 35 gr sliced Almond, 115 gr Sugar
  • 125 gr Blueberries1 tsp Vanilla extract, ¼ tsp Salt
  • 2 Eggs, 3 Egg yolks, 3 Egg whites, Butter-greasing
  • 150 ml cold Cream & 1 tsp Sugar-for whipping cream
  • 2 tbsp Powdered Sugar-for the towel
Blueberry cream:
  • 70 ml Blueberry jam, 250 gr Mascarpone, 25 ml Milk
  • 50 gr Butter-softened, 3 tsp Honey

  • Sponge Cake: Roast the almonds until lightly browned. Let it cool down & then process it finely in a food processor. Mix it together with the flour. Preheat oven to 225°C. Place oven rack in the center. Butter a 40X30 cm sheet pan, line with parchment paper; butter & flour the paper. Beat egg yolks, 2 eggs & 100 gr sugar in an electric/hand mixer on high speed until pale & thick. Beat in the vanilla extract. Sift half of the almond mixture over the egg yolks mixture; gently fold in with a spatula. Sift the remaining almond & fold in. Set it aside. In another bowl, beat egg whites until foamy. Add in the salt; beat until soft peaks form. Put in remaining sugar; beat until stiff peaks form. With a spatula, fold egg white into the egg yolk mixture, a little at a time, just until it incorporated. Evenly pour the batter into the pan, smoothing the top. Bake for ~ 7 minutes (until golden brown). Remove from the oven; invert the cake onto a dish towel sprinkled with 1 tbsp of powdered sugar. Carefully remove the parchment paper. If the parchment paper sticks to the cake, lightly brush the back of the paper with a little warm water, allow to stand for a few moments, then peel the paper. Sprinkle the cake lightly with the rest of powdered sugar & then roll up the cake, with the towel while it`s still hot & pliable. Let the cake cool down.
  • Whipping Cream: Beat the cream until soft peaks form. Add in sugar; beat until stiff peaks form. Put some of the cream in a pastry bag fitted with a large star tip for garnish.
  • Blueberry Cream: Beat mascarpone & other ingredients with a mixer until smooth.
  • To assemble the cake: Unroll the cake; spread with the blueberry cream. Place fresh blueberries evenly over the cream. Gently roll up the cake again. Place the cake on a serving platter, seam side down. Cover & chill it in the fridge for a few hours. Smear the cake surface with whipped cream. Pipe rosettes on top side of roll cake with the whipped cream from pastry bag & the rest of blueberry cream. Place remaining fresh blueberries on the top of the rosette form.


  1. Hi first time have a lovely space... happy to follow you...Almond sponge roll looks real yummy...

    1. Hi Ruxana..thank U for stopping by..I will also visit ur blog soon..:) Happy blogging!

  2. nice to look at your cake. perfect color. one slice for me please.

    1. Thank U Amallia..especially for U..can have more than 1 slice..:)
