

Friday, June 8, 2012

Ayam Bakar Bumbu Kecap (Grilled Chicken with Soya Sauce)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 4 Paha atas & bawah ayam, 1 Jeruk nipis, 150 ml Air, Garam
  • 1 st Kaldu ayam bubuk, 2 Jrk Limau-peras, 2 sm Mentega
  • 6 Daun jeruk-iris halus, 8 sm Kecap manis, 6 Daun salam
  • 9 Bawang merah, 5 Bawang putih, 3 st Gula jawa, 1 st Lada
  • 2 cm Kencur, 5 Rawit, 3 cm Jahe, 8 Kemiri, 2½ st Garam

Cara membuat
  • Lumuri ayam dengan air nipis & garam, diamkan 15 menit. Tumis bumbu halus, daun jeruk & salam dengan mentega. Masukkan ayam, air, kaldu & kecap manis. Aduk hingga rata. Masak sambil sesekali diaduk sampai ½ matang. Angkat, rendam ayam di dalam bumbu minimal 2 jam (semalaman lebih baik).
  • Beri air dari 1 limau, aduk. Bakar ayam sambil sesekali diolesi bumbu. Kucuri dengan air dari 1 limau, hidangkan selagi panas dengan sambal cabai hijau, sambal sereh atau sambal mangga.

  • 4 Chicken thighs, 2 tbsp Butter, 6 Kaffir lime leaves-thinly sliced
  • 6 Bay leaves, 8 tbsp sweet Soy sauce, 2 Kaffir lime, 1 Lime, Salt
  • 1 tsp Chicken broth powder, 150 ml Water
Grind into a paste:
  • 3 tsp Brown sugar, 5 Garlic cloves8 Candlenuts, 3 cm Ginger
  • 9 Shallots, 5 Birds eye chilies (optional), 2 cm Lesser galangal
  • 2½ tsp Salt, 1 tsp Pepper

  • Rub chicken with lime juice & salt, let it rest for 15 minutes. Sauté ground spices, lime leaves & bay leaves with butter. Put in the chicken, water, broth powder & sweet soya sauce; stir well. Cook until the chicken ½ done. Remove from heat; marinate the chicken in the sauce for minimal 2 hour (over night will be better).
  • Add in 1 kaffir lime juice, mix well. Grill the chicken both sides until it's cooked. Smear it with the sauce when you turn the chicken over. Pour 1 kaffir lime juice & then serve while the chicken still hot with green chili paste, lemongrass chili paste or spicy mango relish.

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