

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Nasi Gandul Pati (Gandul Rice from Pati)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 250 gr Tetelan-iris kecil2, 500 gr Daging-iris 2X3X1cm
  • Nasi, 600 ml Santan, 2 Daun salam, 5 sm Kecap manis
  • 600 ml Kaldu sapi, 2 Sereh & 4 cm Lengkuas-geprek
  • 6 Daun jeruk, 3 st Garam1 st Gula merah sisir
  • 1 st GulaMinyakDaun pisang
  • Telur Kecap, Tempe goreng, Bawang goreng
  • Rawit, Kerupuk
Bumbu halus untuk daging:
  • 3 Bawang putih, ½ sm Lada, 3 cm Kencur, 2 st Ketumbar
  • 1 st Jintan, 5 Kemiri
Bumbu halus untuk kuah:
  • 3 cm Jahe, 1 st Jintan, 3 Bawang merah, 2 Bawang putih
  • 1 Kluwak, 3 Cabai merah

Cara membuat
  • Memasak daging: Tumis bumbu halus untuk daging dengan minyak goreng sampai wangi. Beri daun jeruk, salam, sereh, lengkuas, garam, gula, gula merah, kecap & daging. Aduk lalu masukan 400 ml santan & kaldu. Masak di api kecil hingga daging lunak & air berkurang sambil sesekali diaduk. Angkat daging, tiriskan & goreng hingga kecokelatan (seperti empal). Simpan kuahnya.
  • Membuat kuah: Tumis bumbu halus untuk kuah dengan minyak. Masukkan ke sisa kuah merebus daging. Beri tetelan, masak hingga empuk. Masukkan sisa santan, didihkan sambil sesekali diaduk.
  • Penyajian: Alasi piring dengan selembar daun pisang, letakkan nasi & daging goreng di atasnya. Siram dengan kuah & tetelan. Taburi bawang goreng lalu hidangkan bersama kerupuk, rawit, tempe & Telur Kecap.

  • 500 gr Beef-slice into 2X3X½cm, 600 ml Coconut milk
  • Steamed Rice, 250 gr Flank steak-sliced, 1 tsp Brown sugar
  • 2 Lemongrass+4 cm Galangal-bruised, 6 Kaffir lime leaves
  • 600 ml Beef stock, 5 tbsp sweet Soya sauce, 1 tsp Sugar
  • 3 tsp Salt, 2 Bay leaves, frying Oil, Banana leaves
  • Braised soy sauce egg, fried Tempeh, fried Onions
  • Bird`s eye chilies, Crackers
Grind into a paste-for the meat:
  • 3 cm Lesser galangal, 3 Garlic cloves, ½ tbsp Pepper
  • 2 tsp Coriander, 5 Candlenuts, 1 tsp Cumin
Grind into a paste-for the gravy:
  • 3 cm Ginger, 3 Shallots, 2 Garlic cloves, 1 tsp Cumin
  • Kluwak nuts, 3 Red chilies

  • Preparing the meat: Sauté spices paste for the meat until fragrant. Put in lime leaves, bay leaves, lemongrass, galangal, salt, sugar, brown sugar, soya sauce & 500 gr of beef chunks. Add in 400 ml coconut milk & beef stock. Cook over low heat until the meat tender & the water reduce. Stir occasionally. Remove the meat, drain & fry until golden brown. Save liquid to make the gravy.
  • Preparing the Gravy: Sauté spices paste for the gravy until fragrant. Put sautéed spices into the liquid. Add in sliced flank steak & cook until it's tender. Pour in the rest of coconut milk & bring it to a simmer; stir occasionally.
  • Serving: Cover a deep serving plate surface with banana leaf. Place enough steam rice above it. Put fried meat on top & then pour in gravy. Sprinkle with fried onions. Serve it with crackers, bird`s eye chilies, fried tempeh & Braised soy sauce eggs

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