

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Kari Hijau Udang Thailand (Thai Shrimp Green Curry)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 800 gr Udang *, 400 ml Santan kental, 1 Wortel-iris
  • 100 ml Kaldu ayam, 2 sm Kecap ikan, ½ jeruk Nipis
  • 200 gr Terong hijau bulat/Terong ungu, 5 Daun jeruk
  • 5 Tomat cherry-belah, 20 lembar Daun kemangi
  • 1½ st Gula merah sisir2 st Minyak kelapa (opsional)
  • 2 cm Lengkuas & 1 Sereh-geprek, Air, Garam
  • 1 st Kunyit tumbuk halus2 Cabai merah-iris
  • 5-6 sm Bumbu kari hijau Thai **

Cara membuat
  • Kupas kulit udang tetapi biarkan bagian ekornya. Belah punggung udang kmd buang urat hitamnya. Lumuri udang dng air nipis, biarkan 2-3 menit kmd cuci bersih. Sisihkan.
  • Potong2 terong kemudian rendam di air bergaram sampai siap digunakan utk mencegah oksidasi.
  • Bila menggunakan santan kaleng, simpan kaleng di kulkas selama 1-2 jam. Buka kaleng, ambil bagian yg solid/kentalnya saja utk memasak bumbu kari hijau. Simpan sisa air kelapa/santan. Buang tulang daun jeruk kmd iris2 halus. Sisihkan.
  • Panaskan bagian solid dari santan di wajan dng api sedang-besar sampai keluar minyak & terpisah. Bila menggunakan santan kaleng & minyak tak mau terbentuk/terpisah juga, beri sedikit minyak kelapa ke dlm santan panas tsb.
  • Kecilkan api ke sedang, mskkan bumbu kari hijau, aduk terus ± 3-4 min hingga harum. Mskkan dn. jeruk, lengkuas, sereh, kunyit, cabai merah, kaldu, sisa santan/air kelapa & terong. Didihkan & masak sambil sesekali diaduk sampai terong mengempuk. Bumbui dng garam secukupnya, kecap ikan & gula merah. Kari hrs terasa asin dng sedikit rasa manis. Mskkan wortel, tomat & cabai, masak hingga sayuran matang.
  • Mskkan udang, masak hingga udang matang (2-3 mnt). Matikan api kmd mskkan daun kemangi, aduk hingga layu. Sajikan kari hijau udang dng nasi hangat.
  • * Dapat juga digunakan daging ikan putih utk resep ini. Potong2 daging ikan setebal 4 cm.
  • ** Click pada link untuk melihat resep cara membuat Bumbu Kari Hijau Thailand.

  • 800 gr Shrimp*, 400 ml thick Coconut milk½ of Lime
  • 100 ml Chicken stock, 2 tbsp Fish sauce1 Carrot-sliced
  • 200 gr purple/round green Eggplant, 20 Thai basil leaves
  • 2 Red chilies & 5 Cherry tomatoes-sliced, Water, Salt
  • 1½ tsp shaved Palm sugar, 1 tsp ground fresh Turmeric
  • 5 Kaffir lime leaves5-6 tbsp Thai Green Curry Paste**
  • 2 cm Galangal & 1 Lemongrass-bruised
  • 2 tsp Coconut oil (optional)

  • Peel the shrimps shell off but leave the tails intact. Make a slit lengthwise all the way down the back of each prawn & remove the veins. Rub them with lime juice; let it stand for 2-3 minutes & then wash them. Set aside.
  • Cut the eggplants. Soak them in salted water until you`re ready to use them to prevent oxidation.
  • If you`re using caned coconut milk, set can in the fridge for 1-2 hours before using it. Open up the can; scoop out the thicken/solid coconut cream part to cook the curry paste with later on. Save the left over coconut water/milk. Discard the lime leaves stem; then slice them thinly; set aside.
  • Warm up the coconut cream in a wok/deep pan over medium-high heat until the oil from the coconut milk separated out & a thin film formed. If you`re using a caned coconut milk & the oil from coconut milk won`t formed (separated out), add a bit of coconut oil into the coconut milk.
  • Reduce the heat to medium; add in the green curry paste & stir continuously for 3-4 min until it fragrant. Put in kaffir lime leaves, galangal, lemongrass, turmeric, red chilies, remaining coconut milk/water, stock & eggplant. Bring it to a simmer; stir occasionally. Cook until the eggplant softened. Season with enough salt, fish sauce & sugar. The curry should taste salty with just a hint of sweetness. Stir in the carrot, tomatoes & chilies until the vegetables cooked.
  • Put in the shrimps; cook just until they are opaque throughout (2-3 minutes). Turn off the heat & stir in the basil leaves until wilted. Serve the shrimp green curry with warm steamed rice.
  • * You can also use white fish fillet with this recipe. Cut the fish about 1½ inch thick.
  • ** Click on the link to see the recipe on how to make Homemade Thai Green Curry Paste

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