

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Bebek Panggang Utuh (Roasted Whole Duck)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 2-2¼ kg Bebek utuh, 1 Bawang bombay-belah 4
  • 2 bilah Seledri batang & 2 Wortel-potong besar
  • 2,8 lt Kaldu ayam, 2 Bawang merah-belah
  • 1 Daun salam, 1 batang Thyme (opsional)
  • 2 iris Kulit orange, 3 sm Garam dapur
Bumbu kering: Campur semua bahan
  • 1 st Paprika manis bubuk, ½ st Cabai bubuk
  • 1 st Lada hitam bubuk, 1 st Bumbu ngohiong
  • 1 st Jahe bubuk, 2½ st Garam
Glazur: Campur semua bahan
  • 2 sm Madu, ¼ st Jahe bubuk, 1 st Saus sambal
  • ¼ st Bumbu ngohiong, 1 sm Saus soya pekat
  • sejumput Bawang putih bubuk & Pala bubuk
  • 10 ml Angciu/Dry sherry (opsional)

Cara membuat
  • Keluarkan jerohan bebek. Potong ujung sayap & kelebihan kulit serta lemak yg menggantung di sekitar leher & lubang perutnya. Iris2 kulit & lemak tsb kecil2, sisihkan. Cabut sisa2 bulu jika ada. Lumuri bagian luar & dalam bebek dng 2 sm garam. Bilas bebek termasuk di dalam lubangnya sampai bersih kmd dilap hingga kering. Prosedur ini akan menghilangkan bau bebek. Tusuk2 kulit bebek disemua bagian dng garpu tajam. Hal ini akan membuat lemak mengalir keluar saat bebek dimasak. Silangkan kedua kakinya kmd ikat. Lipat sayap ke bagian bawah badan bebek.
  • Sementara itu, didihkan kaldu ayam & 1 sm garam dapur di dlm panci besar. Masukkan seledri batang, baw.bombay, wortel, irisan kecil kulit+lemak & bebek. Bebek hrs terrendam, bila kaldu tidak cukup utk merendamnya, boleh ditambahi dng air panas. Didihkan kaldu, kecilkan api & masak bebek selama 30 mnt. Matikan api, tapi biarkan bebek tetap di dlm kaldu utk 15 mnt lagi. Angkat bebek dari kaldu, posisikan secara vertikal di atas panci agar sisa cairan dari dlm perut dapat mengalir keluar. Keringkan kulit bebek dng lap kertas kmd lumuri bebek menyeluruh dng cukup banyak campuran bumbu kering. Bumbui juga bagian dlm dari lubang bebek dng bumbu kering. Karena kaki bebek sdh diikat, caranya adalah dng menuangkan bumbu kering ke dlm lubang tsb. Kemudian gunakan kuas utk meratakannya di bagian dalam. Isi bagian dalam bebek dng irisan kulit jeruk, bawang merah, daun salam & thyme. Minyaki rak panggang agar bebek tidak lengket saat dipanggang. Letakkan rak panggang di dalam loyang kmd letakkan bebek di atas rak panggang dng sisi dada menghadap ke atas. Biarkan selama 20 menit.
  • Sementara itu, panaskan oven 250° C, nyalakan api atas & bawah. Ltkkan rak oven di posisi terbawah. Tuang 1½ cup air ke dalam loyang. Lemak bebek akan jatuh menetes ke dlm loyang selama memanggang. Hal ini akan mencegah oven berasap terlalu banyak. Panggang bebek selama 10 mnt. Balik posisi bebek; panggang lagi 10 mnt. Kecilkan suhu ke 200° C. Ulasi bebek dng glazur kmd panggang selama ± 10 mnt. Balik posisi bebek, panggang lagi ± 5 mnt. Keluarkan dari oven & bungkus dng aluminum foil. Diamkan selama 20 mnt. Buka ikatan pada kaki. Buang bahan2 isi dari dlm lubang bebek. Ulasi tipis2 lagi dng glazur seblm dihidangkan. Hidangkan bebek selagi hangat dng mie/nasi dng Tumis Pak Choy & Tahu atau Honey Glazed Carrot & Hash Brown Dadu Masak Lemak Bebek (klik pada link untuk melihat resep2nya).
  • * Note: Angkat lemak bebek dari bagian atas kaldu rebusan. Simpan lemak ini utk digunakan lain kali. Lemak bebek akan tahan bbrp bulan di dlm kulkas. Buang sayuran, irisan kulit & lemak dari dlm kaldu kmd simpan kaldu tsb utk membuat sup dilain waktu.

  • 2-2¼ kg Whole duck2 Celery ribs & 2 Carrots-sliced
  • 1 Bay leaf2,8 ltr Chicken broth, 3 tbsp Kosher salt
  • 1 Onion-quartered, 1 sprig of Thyme (optional)
  • 2 strips Orange zest, 2 Shallots-halved
Dry spices mixture: Combine all ingredients
  • 1 tsp sweet Paprika, ½ tsp Chili powder2½ tsp Salt
  • 1 tsp ground Black pepper1 tsp 5-spice powder
  • 1 tsp Ginger powder
Glaze: Combine all ingredients
  • ¼ tsp 5-spice powder, 2 tbsp Honey, 1 tsp Chili sauce
  • 1 tbsp Dark soy sauce, ¼ tsp Ginger powder
  • Pinch of Garlic powder & ground Nutmeg
  • 10 ml Chinese rice wine/Dry sherry

  • Remove the duck innards. Cut off wing tips & trim off any excess skin or fat hanging loosely at the neck or tail ends. Slice the skin & fat into smaller pieces & then set it aside. If you see any quills poking out of the duck’s skin, pull them out. Rub the duck (inside & outside) with 2 tbsp salt. Rinse the duck well, including the cavity & then patting it dries with a paper towels. This procedure will get rid the duck of any foul smell. Prick the skin all over without piercing the meat with a sharp fork. This will allow the fat to drain off while the ducks cook. Cross the duck legs & tie them together. Tuck the wings under the body.
  • Meanwhile, in a very large pot, heat chicken broth with 1 tablespoon of kosher salt until it boils. Put in celery stalks, onion, carrots, sliced fat+skin & the duck. Keep the duck immersed; if the stock is not enough to cover it, add some hot water. Bring the stock to a boil. Lower the heat; simmer the duck for 30 minutes. Turn off the heat & let the duck rest in the stock for 15 minutes. Take the duck out of the stock, hold it vertically over the pot to drain the remaining liquid from duck`s cavity. Pat dry the skin with paper towels & then rubs the duck all over with a generous amount of dry spices mixture. Season also the inside part of duck`s cavity with dry spices. Since the duck legs are tied up, pour the dry spices into the cavity & use a brush to spread it evenly. Then stuff the cavity with orange zest, shallots, thyme & bay leaves. Grease a wire rack to keep the duck from sticking when it roasts. Put the wire rack into a roasting dish & then place the duck on the wire rack, breast side up. Let it stand for 20 minutes.
  • Meanwhile, preheat oven to 250° C over top & bottom heat. Place the oven rack on the lowest side of the oven. Pour 1½ cup of water into the roasting dish. Duck`s fat will drop off into the water during roasting, this will prevent your oven to smoke too much. Roast the duck for 10 minutes. Turn the duck over; roast for another 10 minutes. Reduce the temp to 200° C. Brush the duck with some of the glaze, roast for ~ 10 minutes. Turn the duck over; roast for ~  5 minutes. Remove the duck from the oven & cover it with aluminium foil; allow it to rest for 20 minutes. Snip off the string around the legs & remove. Discard the ingredients inside of the cavity. Slightly bush the skin with glaze before serving. Serve the duck with steamed rice/noodles & Stir-Fry Bok Choy & Tofu or Honey Glazed Carrot & Duck Fat Diced Hash Brown.
  • * Note: Skim off duck fat from the top of the stock. Save this duck fat for other use. Duck fat keeps for months in the fridge. Use it much in the same way you would use rendered bacon fat. Discard the vegetables, sliced skin & fat from the stock & then save the stock for making soup next time.

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