

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Hash Brown Dadu Masak Lemak Bebek (Duck Fat Diced Hash Brown)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)


  • 750 gr Kentang-potong dadu ukuran 1¼ cm, 5 sm Lemak bebek
  • 85 gr Bawang bombay-cincang, Garam dapur, Lada hitam-gerus
  • 2 ranting Thyme, 2 sm Daun lokio cincang



  • Panaskan lemak bebek di wajan besar anti lengket berdasar tebal di atas api sedang-besar sampai meleleh.
  • Masukkan kentang dengan menyebarnya secara rata di pan. Aduk hingga terlapis lemak semua. Masak beberapa menit tanpa diaduk sampai dasar kentang terlihat kuning kecokelatan (± 5 menit). Aduk kentang beberapa kali, tekan perlahan ke dasar wajan dengan spatula agar berwarna lebih cokelat.
  • Beri garam, lada & daun thyme, lalu aduk rata. Goyang2kan wajan agar kentang tersebar lalu tekan2 perlahan lagi agar warna lebih merata.
  • Kecilkan api ke sedang, masukkan bawang bombay, masak hingga lunak & transparan. Terus masak & balik2 sampai semua sisi kentang kuning kecokelatan. Setelah kentang matang sempurna (12-15 menit), cicipi & sesuaikan bumbu dengan selera anda. Angkat dari wajan lalu taburi dengan daun lokio cincang.



  • 750 gr Russet potatoes-½ inch diced, 5 tbsp Duck fat
  • 85 gr Onion-chopped, Black pepper-cracked, Kosher salt
  • 2 sprigs Thyme, 2 tbsp chopped Chives



  • Heat the duck fat in a large heavy bottom non-stick skillet over medium-high heat until the fat melted.
  • After the butter is melted, add in the potatoes & spread it evenly in the skillet. Toss the potatoes to coat with duck fat. Fry for a few minutes without stirring until the potatoes are golden brown on the bottom (~ 5 minutes). Stir potatoes few times & press down gently with a spatula to the bottom of the pan to get more colour.
  • After the bottoms are brown, put in salt, pepper & thyme. Toss potatoes several more times to combine it well. Shake the skillet to spread the potatoes evenly. Press them down again to allow for maximum browning.
  • Reduce the heat to medium; Add in the onion; cook until they are translucent & soften. Continue to fry & stirring them occasionally until all sides are golden brown. When the potatoes are cooked through (12-15 minutes), taste for seasoning & adjust. Remove from the pan to a serving plate and then sprinkle with chopped chives.

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