

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Dada Kalkun Masak Saus Cream (Pan-Seared Turkey Cutlets in Cream Sauce)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 750 gr fillet Dada kalkun, 2 sm Terigu30 gr Mentega
  • 85 gr Bawang bombay-cincang, 10 Tomat cherry-belah
  • 150 ml Susu100 ml Kaldu bebek**, 2 sm Mixed herbs
  • 8 sm Lemak bebek+ekstra*, 3 Cabai keriting-iris
  • 1 sm Saus soya pekat/Kecap asin
Campuran bumbu kering:
  • ½ st Thyme, ½ st Sage bubuk/Rosemary½ st Marjoram
  • 2 st Garam, ½ st Cabai bubuk, 1 st Lada hitam bubuk
  • 1 st Bawang putih bubuk, ½ st Paprika bubuk

Cara membuat
  • Iris daging dada menjadi 7-8 potongan lebar dng menggunakan pisau panjang. Lapisi kedua sisi daging dng plastik kmd pukul2 perlahan daging tsb hingga mencapai ketebalan ± 1½ cm. Lumuri daging cukup banyak dng campuran bumbu kering. Simpan 2 st campuran bumbu kering tsb utk membuat saus creamy. Simpan daging tertutup di kulkas selama minimal 1 jam.
  • Panaskan lemak bebek di pan besar anti lengket dng api sedang. Ltkkan daging di pan. Masak hingga kuning kecoklatan. Balik daging & masak juga sisi tsb (2-3 mnt/sisi). Tambahkan 1-2 sm lemak/mentega lagi bila perlu. Angkat daging dari pan & sisihkan.
  • Panaskan mentega di pan yg sama. Mskkan bombay, masak hingga melunak. Beri cabai & 2 st campuran bumbu kering, aduk sampai harum & cabai layu. Taburi dng terigu, aduk 2-3 mnt. Perlahan2 tuang 3 sm susu, aduk hingga rata. Tuang sisa susu, kaldu bebek & kecap asin/saus soya pekat. Aduk terus hingga saus mulai mengental. Beri tomat cherry & mskkan kembali daging ke pan. Sendok saus ke atas daging utk melapisinya kmd taburi dng mixed herbs. Masak selama 1-2 mnt hingga saus mengenal. Sajikan kalkun dng pasta halus (misalnya capellini/spaghettini), puree kentang, Kentang OngklokHash Brown Dadu Masak Lemak Bebek, Roasted Potato Slices with Bacon atau Roasted Herb Potatoes (klik pada link untuk melihat resep2nya).
  • * Dapat diganti dng minyak canola/minyak jagung. ** Dapat diganti dng kaldu ayam

  • 750 gr Turkey breast fillet30 gr Butter, 2 tbsp Flour
  • 2 tbsp Mixed herbs, 100 ml Duck stock**150 ml Milk
  • 8 tbsp Duck fat+extra*, 10 Cherry tomatoes-halved
  • 85 gr Onion-chopped, 1 tbsp Dark soy sauce
  • 3 Cayenne peppers-sliced (optional)
Dry spices mix:
  • 2 tsp Salt, ½ tsp Chili flakes, ½ tsp Paprika powder
  • ½ tsp dried Marjoram, ½ tsp Rubbed Sage/Rosemary
  • 1 tsp ground Black pepper1 tsp Garlic powder
  • ½ tsp dried Thyme

  • Using a long knife, slice the turkey breast into 7-8 wide cutlets. Cover them with plastic wrap & lightly pound the turkey cutlets until ~ 1½ cm thick. Season the turkey with generous amount of dry spices mix. Cover & let them sit for min. 1 hour in the fridge. Save 2 tsp of dry spices for making the creamy sauce.
  • Heat the duck fat in a large non-stick pan over medium heat. Carefully place the cutlets in the pan. Cook them until they become opaque & golden brown. Flip the cutlets & cook the other side as well (2-3 minutes/side). Add 1-2 tbsp of fat/butter when needed. Remove the cutlets from the pan; set it aside.
  • Using the same pan, heat the butter. Put in the onion; cook until the onion soften. Stir in chilies & 2 tsp of dry spices mixture until it fragrant & the chilies wilt. Sprinkle in the flour; stir for 2-3 minutes. Slowly stir in 3 tbsp of milk; whisk constantly to combine. Pour in remaining milk, stock & soy sauce. Stir constantly until the sauce starts to thicken. Add in cherry tomatoes & put cutlets back into the pan. Cover the cutlets with sauce; then sprinkle the mixed herbs. Cook for 1-2 min until the sauce thickens. Serve the cutlets with thin pasta (such as capellini or spaghettini), mashed potatoes, Steamed potatoes with Garlic Butter, Duck Fat Diced Hash Brown, Roasted Potato Slices with Bacon or Roasted Herb Potatoes (click on the links for the recipe).
  • * Can be substitute with canola/corn oil. ** Can be substitute with chicken stock.

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