

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Kari Jungle Ayam/Babi Thailand (Thai Chicken/Pork Jungle Curry)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 500 gr Daging ayam/babi-iris tipis, 20 gr Tekokak, 1 st Gula
  • 30 gr Buncis/Wortel+50 gr Rebung+40 gr Kacang panjang-iris
  • 1 sm Kecap ikan, 2 sm Bumbu Kari Jungle *, 250 ml Kaldu
  • 15 Holy basil (kemangi pedas)/kemangi3 sm Minyak sayur
  • 20 gr Temu kunci-iris panjang halus3 tangkai Lada hijau
  • 40 gr Jagung muda-belah panjang4 Daun jeruk-iris halus
  • Garam secukupnya

Cara membuat
  • Tumis bumbu kari jungle dng minyak sayur sampai harum di api sedang. Mskkan daging, aduk hingga daging tersaput bumbu dng merata & warnanya berubah. Beri kaldu, kecap ikan, rebung, daun jeruk & temu kunci. Didihkan, kecilkan api & masak hingga rasa menyatu.
  • Masukkan gula, lada hijau & sayuran. Masak beberapa menit saja. Tambahkan garam bila perlu. Angkat dari api kmd mskkan kemangi pedas. Hidangkan segera.
  • * Click pada link untuk melihat resep cara membuat Bumbu Kari Jungle.

  • 500 gr Pork/Chicken fillet-thinly sliced, 20 gr Pea eggplant
  • 50 gr Bamboo shoots+40 gr Long beans-sliced, 1 tsp Sugar
  • 30 gr Green bean/Carrot-sliced20 gr Finger root-julienne
  • 4 Kaffir lime leaves-thinly sliced, 40 gr Baby corn-halved
  • 3 sprigs Green peppercorn2 tbsp Jungle Curry Paste *
  • 250 ml Stock3 tbsp Vegetable oil1 tbsp Fish sauce
  • 15 Holy Basil/Regular basil leaves, enough Salt

  • Sauté Jungle curry paste with vegetable oil until fragrant over medium heat. Stir in the meat until the paste coats the meat evenly & the meat colour changed. Pour in the stock, fish sauce, bamboo shoots, kaffir lime leaves & finger root; bring it to a boil. Reduce the temperature to low & let it simmer until the flavor blended.
  • Add in sugar, green peppercorns & vegetables; cook for few minutes only. Add some salt if it`s necessary. Remove from the heat & then stir in the holy basil leaves. Serve immediately.
  • * Click on the link to see the recipe on how to make homemade Jungle Curry Paste.

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